Chapter eleven

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I can't escape.

When night turned around and the sun fell into darkness, I started my plan.

I grabbed the duvet and the sheets, tying them together and pulling to make sure they were secured. I tied one end to the bed post and walked over to the window, propping it open. But when I looked down, there were two men in black, swords on their hips, arms over their chests. One murmured something to the other and they both chuckled in response.

I felt something, almost like a growl, make it's way up my throat. My chest vibrated, but only slightly as my mouth pulled back in a sneer.

I closed the window and left the blankets as they were, sitting on the bed, watching the same damn wall as earlier, wondering why in the world, I of all people, get stuck with the hard life.


I didn't sleep, I didn't bother closing my eyes even for a second. I glared at the wall as if my life depended on me not looking away.

A knock on my door had me peeling my eyes away, glimpsing at the solid wood door. I don't say anything, returning to the wall when no one comes in.

The door creaks open, a head full of brown hair looking in. He looks from behind a door, all they way around the room, taking in the damage. A small smirk finds my lips as his eyes return to mine. Then I frown again.

He keeps his face straight, stepping in and closing the door. I flinch when the click signals that it's shut. Nothing could be worse than being stuck in a room with Tate.

He doesn't seem effected by the room, shoving his hands in his pockets and staring at me with amusement. I look back at the wall, willing myself not to move to the corner of the room.

"Anger issues?" He murmurs with a small laugh. I don't reply.

With one swift motion, he lifts the fallen dresser with one hand and pulls it back up. His face shows no pain when he lifts it, but his muscles pop slightly in his arm.

"I get that you don't like me, you don't like my Pack. But ruining my property? I do believe that there is a fine for wrecking private property" he returns to his relaxed position, hands in his pockets.

"Well, if I wasn't here, your private property wouldn't be ruined, now would it?" I ask with sarcasm. He rolls his eyes.

"No. If you hadn't met Dylan, if he hadn't talked to you or met you, you'd be fine" he says with harshness in his tone. I growl low, turning towards the window, contemplating on throwing myself out of it. "I wouldn't let you" he whispers now.

What the....?

"I can read your mind Isabella" my name falls from his tongue like a melody. I shake my head in disgust. Only Dylan calls me by my full name.

"Well how ever the hell you're doing it, stop. I don't like people ready my mind, or mind-linking me, or kidnapping me. Especially if it's the Alpha of this particular Pack" I scoff, standing from the bed and leaning on the window sill.

But I sure as hell don't have a problem if it's Dylan doing those things.

Tate growls again, but this time he punches the wall. A whole, bigger than the one I created, forms in it. The drywall crumbles in, making dust fly up in the area. When he turns back, his eyes are pitch black. My first instinct is to cower away into the corner and hide myself in the large duvet.

Be strong Isabella. I'll find you. Dylan murmurs. I will- he's cut off.

I gasp quietly, eyes searching the wall as I try to get him back.

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