Chapter twenty-three

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I lay on the soft bed, encased in pillows and blankets. A sigh escapes my lips at the warmth of being huddled in your own little cave of sheets. I reach out to the other side of the bed, grabbing for Dylan. When I don't feel his body, I mentally shrug and grab his pillow instead. I hug it to my body and take in his scent, which has my wolf growling again. I wonder if she'll ever actually talk to me.

The door creaks open slowly, a rush of cold air coming with it. I assume that Dylan's coming in, just finished his Pack business. I hear a faint whisper, a low growl, and the click of the door shutting. My senses don't pick up on anything funny, and my wolf stops howling at me. I assume she's tired out, her throat sore from all of the growling.

My head feels fuzzy and light, the feeling you get from early mornings. I bring my knees up to my chest and lift my head further up on my pillow with a soft sigh in content. Someone whispers something again, but I don't pick up on it and I'm too tired to care. It's most likely Dylan and Jake, come in to find some papers or something.

The bed dips on my side, a warm feeling settling over my body. Again, my wolf is completely silent, obviously wanting to know what's going on.

The blankets on my body are lifted off of me and pulled back so that they only cover my legs. I groan and reach for them, swatting away a hand in the process. I feel sparks fly up my arm and pause halfway. Then I hear a deep chuckle. My mind clears of the fuzziness and focuses on what's happening.

"Come on sir, he'll be back to check on her at any minute" a voice -Jon- whispers. My wolf yips.

"I've never seen her so peaceful looking" another voice replies gently, smoothing a finger over my cheek. I shiver at the touch. This is most definitely not Dylan, and the only other person that can give me shivers and sparks is my second mate.

"Dude, we've got to go. Grab her and run" Noah says impatiently. Tate growls at him, a warning sign. I shiver and turn to him with wide eyes. He smiles gently and kisses my cheek.

"You came back for me" I whisper, tears spring in my eyes for happiness. I touch a hand to his cheek, having my wolf finally yip in happiness with me.

"I'll always come back for you" he whispers. A sudden joy hits me as I wrap my arms around his neck and set my head on his shoulder.

"Alpha Tate, we must get going" Jon says, more urgent now. Tate pulls back from me and looks out the window. I turn my head to look, but he pulls it back to face him.

"I don't want you seeing what's going on"

Panic floods through me and I'm sure my face must go white.

The war. I completely forgot about the war. The way everyone was acting at dinner last night, I felt like the war was merely a threat to Dylan, I didn't think Tate would go through with it.

Dylan explained to me about the safe house a mile away from here. It's filled with water and food in case something like this happened. It's where some of the women and children go, including the Luna.

"The cubs" I whisper, looking back to Jon. Jake stands next to him. "I'm supposed to be at the safe house. Are the cubs alright?"

"They're fine, Luna. All of them made it to the safe house before it started" Jake replies, his frown turning into a slight smile.

"Would you please hurry up" Noah says, glaring at the door as if focusing on something. Tate pulls me up to stand next to him. Jake takes the lead, running through Dylan's door and turning right. Tate pulls me along quickly, sprinting fast to stay with Jake. After a second or two, Noah and Jon sprint through the doors. I look back at them worriedly.

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