Chapter six

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I wake cold and alone in my tiny bed. I'm hugging a pillow that smells like Dylan, but it doesn't help. The sun seeps through my open window, as do the songs coming from the bluejays. I sit up and stretch before walking over to my window and peering outside.

It's a beautiful summer day, one where it's not to hot and not to cold. Kids run up and down the street with skipping ropes, some riding scooters and bicycles.

My fathers vehicle isn't in the driveway, our garage side open revealing nothing. Confusion fills me.

He doesn't usually get up before nine.

Good morning Princess. Dylan links to me. I smile softly and lean on the edge. He's watching me right now, but I can't see him. It sucks that I can't talk to him back.

But I can read your thoughts Princess. His voice chuckles. I run a hand through my hair and giggle before grabbing a pair of shorts and a strapless black shirt. I look into the small mirror in my bathroom. The swelling has gone down on my cheek, thank God.

I brush my teeth and do my make-up before grabbing my phone and calling Darcey.

"Hello?" She says through the phone. I can practically hear her smile.

"Hey Darce" I say, sitting on the edge of my window, looking for Dylan.

"Bella! Where have you been! I was worried sick and now Jason's in the hospital unconscious. No one knows what happened and you just disappeared!" I pull the phone away from my ear, my hearing getting more sensitive now.

"I uh..." I trail off, thinking of an excuse.

You didn't feel well. Dylan offers. You went home sick.

"I didn't feel well so I went home" I mumble into the phone, still wondering how he can read my mind.

"Why didn't you answer my texts!? I sent like twenty of them"

"Yeah, I know. I just, didn't have the energy I guess. Sorry" I say, taking in a breath of fresh air. "So what are you doing, wanna hang out?"

I squint my eyes, looking across the road to a black jeep. There's someone in it, but it's not Dylan.

She sighs happily. "I'm just texting Noah" she giggles softly. "Yeah sure, I'll be over soon"

"No it's alright, I'll come to your house" I reply quickly. It'll give me a chance to find out where Dylan is.

She agrees, hanging up the phone so she can text Noah again. I place my phone in the back pocket of my shorts and grab my purse.

Damn do you look hot today. Dylan links me when I waltz out my front door. I look down both sides of the road, making sure my father isn't there. I roll my eyes at the comment but can't deny the blush.

He left early, I haven't seen him since. Dylan says. I watched him pull out and go towards town.

I shrug my shoulders and swing my purse over my arm. I don't have a car anymore, so I'll have to walk.

Halfway down the side walk, Dylan's car pulls up next to me. He rolls down the window, revealing black sunglasses over his eyes. He's wearing a white T-shirt with a leather jacket overtop of it. His sleeves are rolled up and his collar is popped.

He pulls off his sunglasses and winks at me.

"Need a ride, Princess?" His eyes roam over my body, making me blush. When his eyes return to mine he smiles widely and unlocks the door. "Get in"

I obey him, but not like when I obey Jason. This isn't because I don't have a choice, it's because I want to.

I slip inside of the cool, air conditioned car and rest my head on the seat.

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