2-A job well done

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It's 5am and my alarm is going off, ready to throw it out the window. "7am really?" I yell.

I slowly get out of bed and head for the shower. While in the shower I think about if I should even go back to work. I know Sandy warned me about him, but I never expected him to be that much of an asshole.

I get to the office 15 minutes early and start the coffee. I get my desk organized and set up for the day. Just as I was pouring his coffee I heard the elevator doors opening I looked up at the clock and it was exactly 7am.

I walk out with his coffee in hand, he looked at me with a mischievous grin. "Set it on my desk." I didn't say a word but went and set it on his desk.

He came in as I was setting his coffee down. He sat at his desk and took a sip of his coffee. "Perfect." He says as he sets it down.

"Mr. Matthews, may I ask why I had to be here at 7? When I was hired I was told my hours would be 8am-5. Yesterday you tell me differently."

"That is what Sandy told you, but I set the hours, those hours were when I was away, when I'm here you are to be here when I say."

I just look at him wanting to tell him how much of an ass he is, I end up turning around to walk out of his office "Oh Ms. Miller." He blurts out.

I turn around "Yes?"

"Be ready to leave at 11, we are to meet with a potential buyer for lunch."

I look at him confused "Why do I have to be there?

"You are my assistant are you not?" He questions.

I nod my head yes. "Make sure you grab the file for the Ozark project." He says.

I walk out and dig through the file cabinet looking for the Ozark project, looking it over to get myself familiarized with it.

As I'm looking over the file Sandy walks in looking over at me with a confused look. She walks over to me, "Why are you here so early?"

I rolled my eyes "I was told I had to be here by 7am." Sandy looks at her funny "Seriously? He's never asked anyone to be here that early, not even Ms. Adams."

"Would you like to go for lunch today?" She asks.

"I can't, I guess I have to be with Mr. Matthews for a lunch meeting. Maybe tomorrow?" She smiles oddly at me and walks over to her desk.

I was on the phone when he was standing at my desk staring at me pointing to the clock. I nodded my head and finished with the phone call. I picked up the file, and we walked towards the elevator.

I could feel eyes glaring at me, not understanding why. I turn to look at Sandy and she hurriedly put her head down. Is there something on my back? I think to myself.

We get in the elevator and all I could smell was him, he smelled so good, almost like sandalwood. I stood there quiet. As the doors opened he held his arm out blocking the door so I could walk out without the doors closing on me.

We walked over to his car and we headed off to meet with his clients. "I assume you went over the file." He says.

"Yes I did."

"This is an important one, it's a big project, don't screw this up." He insists as he looks at me like he would kill me if I did something wrong.

I take a hard swallow and look forward not saying a word. "Weren't we here last night?" I question quietly looking at the building. "I wasn't expecting to take you to dinner last night, and this meeting had been planned for a while. I believe you are the one who set this meeting up." He says to me with a smirk.

Falling for my Asshole BossWhere stories live. Discover now