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Levi POV:

I received photo's from Alexis on the kids bedroom, I looked through them and thought that they did a wonderful job. I try to call her back to let her know what I had thought and I get no answer. For the next hour or so I try calling her back and still get no answer. I start making phone calls to Mrs. Meyers and Mr. Dunkirk.

Both said that she was suppose to be at home, I ended up calling her sister. Jillian said she left the house a while ago and had said last time she seen her she was outside when she left. "Please go check on her and call me back." I say to her worried. I start to fear she got sick and passed out.

I start pacing back in forth in the hotel room worried about Alexis "I knew I should have cancelled my trip to New York." I say picking up my phone and calling Alexis again.

I decide to make a phone call to my pilot to see if he can get the plane ready for flight tonight, that it's a possible emergency. I start shaking and my heart feels like it dropped in my stomach. I can feel something just isn't right.

I start packing my things and my phone rings, I see that it's Jillian so I answered quickly.

Jillian- Uhm Levi? Something isn't right, the house was open, all of her things are still inside but she's nowhere in the house. Her phone was on the counter and her purse was in the bedroom, I looked at her phone, and you were the last person she contacted. There's nothing unusual on her phone at all.

Is she possibly outside if all of her things are there? Maybe out for a walk?

Jillian- I don't know, there are tread marks at the edge of the driveway, I don't remember seeing those when I left earlier. Something isn't right. If she went for a walk she would have grabbed her phone, and she sure wouldn't be out walking this late at night either.

I'll be coming home soon, I cancelled everything for tomorrow and called to have my pilot get the plane ready to leave tonight as soon as possible. I explained to him that it was an emergency.

Jillian- Please hurry I'm really worried. I'll stay here if you don't mind incase she comes back.

Please do, call me right away if she does come back.

My heart begins to pound harder thinking about Alexis and our babies. Hoping nothing serious happened. I start calling hospitals in the area as I'm on the way to the airport and she isn't at any one of them.

I had called Sandy while on the plane thinking maybe she went with her somewhere and that was a no also. Growing more worried and frustrated I then made some calls to the police department, and was getting nowhere with them, since she hasn't been missing for more than 24 hours. "This is bullshit!" I screamed in the phone. "There is a pregnant woman missing and you're telling me that there is nothing you can do?!?" After yelling at them for a while and multiple phone calls they finally agreed that they would go over there and check things out.

When I landed I was off the plane so fast and into the limo, Mr. Dunkirk broke all laws on the way home speeding, running stop lights. Luckily not many cars were on the road, I would have hated for anyone to get hurt.

We pull up to my house and I see the police cars in the driveway, and Jillian outside talking with the officers.

I walk up to them and start asking questions. "Is their anyone out there that would want to hurt your wife?" The officer asks.

"She's not my wife yet, she's my fiancé and she is pregnant with twins right now, the only ones that I can think of that would be out to harm her would be both of our ex's. McKenna Williams and Dustin, not sure of his last name."

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