21-Give him a chance...

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Alexis POV:

I wake up in a bedroom that I have never seen before and I start to panic. I get up to look around, slowly opening the door, I hear voices talking and I stand there trying to make them out. I then realize that it is Sandy's voice that I hear, and feel relieved. I place my hand to my forehead as my head is pounding trying to remember the night before.

I walk towards Sandy and Charles, they stop talking when they see me. "How are you feeling this morning?" Sandy asks nervously. "'I've felt better, I was a little scared when I woke up, I didn't recognize where I was. How did I end up here?" I ask confused. I sit down at the table across from Sandy and resting my head in my hands.

"You don't recall last night?" Sandy looks at me worried. "Ugh I'm trying to remember but my head is pounding so bad, I can't even think.

Sandy stands up looking at me concerned. "Would you like something for that headache?"

"Yes... PLEASE." I beg.

"Just so you're aware, I had a long talk with Levi this morning." Sandy says as she hands me some ibuprofen. "And... He's on his way over here." Charles stands up "I'll leave you two to talk."

"Levi? Why would he be-" I start to say before it hits me about last night. "Oh Sandy.. Now I remember, I really don't want to see him. Please don't make me talk to him."

"I really think you should hear him out, just because you caught your ex in the act, does not mean that Levi would do the same to you. When you told us about what happened, I was shocked, I couldn't believe he could do something like that. I wanted to go over there after we had put you to bed, and give him a piece of my mind-."

"Sandy, you didn't see it though, McKenna was naked.. naked in his bed, and he was partially naked!" Alexis says cutting her off.

"I know what you saw, but just because that is what you saw doesn't mean he did anything wrong. I have known Levi for a long time, he has never been one for a player. When he falls hard for someone, he really falls hard. He's in love with you, and to be honest, I think he is more in love with you than he was with McKenna."

I sit there listening to Sandy finding it hard to believe. I look away from her staring out the window, remembering what I saw, the look on his face and the smile on hers. "She was naked though." I say quietly wiping tears.

"He loves you, you need to give him a chance. A chance to explain, you owe him that. You don't owe Dustin a damn thing, you actually caught him in the act. What you witnessed last night was a shocked Levi, that McKenna was in his bed, with him thinking it was you. There's a difference."

"He should be here any minute. Just give him a chance, and for heaven's sake quit being so damn stubborn and hard headed." Sandy begs touching the top of my hand.

I sit there thinking about what Sandy had said and grabbed my phone, I looked at my phone seeing I had missed numerous calls from Levi, and had some text messages from Levi as well. I read all of his messages. I see that he was up all night by all of the times that the messages were all sent and the times of the missed calls.

I had just finished reading the last message from Levi when I had looked over and seen Sandy letting him in. My heart started to race, I was nervous to see him and nervous of what he had to say.

"I'll leave you two alone." Sandy says as Levi starts walking towards me. My heart was pounding so hard I couldn't even look at him.

"I turned facing the window, trying not to look at him. He came up from behind me and started massaging my shoulders. He leans down "Would you like to talk here, or go for a walk?" He says quietly in my ear. I closed my eyes as I heard his voice, just hearing his voice always makes me weak, and my stomach full of butterflies.

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