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We start to open the box and two balloons pop out revealing the color of blue.

"BOYS!" Everyone yells and we then hear some whistles as well.

I look over at Levi and he looks like he has some happy tears in this eyes that he's holding back. He wraps an arm around my waist pulling me tight against him, he leans down to kiss my lips. "Twin boys equals double the trouble." Levi says with a laugh. "Yea they will learn to be gentlemen too." I say with a smile.

Everyone comes up to congratulate us shaking Levi's hand and asking if they could take him to the bar after work to celebrate. I look at Levi, "Go ahead, I'd like to go home and rest." He looks at me grinning "Are you sure?"

I nod my head and smile. "Yes, I'm sure, your a big boy. Would you like for me to drop you off?" I smile big knowing I'll get to drive his car then. He hands me his keys, "I know you just want to drive my car." He laughs. "I'll just have Mr. Dunkirk pick me up then, that way you don't have to later."

I dropped him off at the bar and then headed home. I thought about staying for a bit, but the thought of watching everyone drink and get drunk again, didn't sound fun to me.

When I got home I had called Jillian to tell her the exciting news. She figured we would go out shopping while Levi was in New York and start getting a room ready for the babies. Levi had cleaned a room out that was next to our room for the baby, good thing it's big enough now that it will be for both kids.

Mrs. Meyers stopped by to make dinner. "Levi is out to the bar right now, and I was going to lay down for a little while, I'm still not feeling the greatest. But if you could make something that we could reheat that would be great." I tell her rubbing my temples.

"I can do that, you go rest and take care of that baby."

"Oh, that reminds me,I have something to show you!" I say grabbing the ultrasound picture and handing it to her.

She looks at it and her eyes get wide, she starts to smile big. "Twin boys!" She says happily and shaking her head. "I didn't get my girls, but that's ok, I wouldn't mind having two more Levi's running around." I smile looking at the picture.

"I'll bet Levi is ecstatic!" She says.

"He is, and that is why he is out at the bar, he's out celebrating, he actually had some tears when he heard they were boys."

"I have to tell you... he has talked about wanting kids for years, he had always hoped for boys to carry on his name and a little girl to be over protective of. Anytime he brought up kids with his ex she never wanted anything to do with having kids."

"You mean McKenna?"


"Oh, he never told me that, but that's ok, I get to be the mother of his children and that's better yet." I smile.

"Well I'm going to go take a nap before Levi gets home, if he gets anywhere near what he was months ago, it will be a long night." I laugh.

I headed to my room and laid down on the bed, I was out in seconds.

Levi POV:

I watch Alexis drive my car to the bar, and can't get over how sexy she looks driving it. She catches me looking at her "Quit staring at me." She smiles.

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