17-Oh shit!

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Levi POV:

I take Alexis over to meet a couple of the investors and developers. One of them is whom she spoke with the other day.

"Alexis, this is Mr. Donovan, he's the one developer you spoke to the other day about going to Italy next week." She looks over at him "Nice to meet you." She tells him shaking his hand. "Same to you." He says bringing her hand up for him to kiss it.

I didn't care for him kissing her hand, but I know he was just being nice. As long as he leaves it at that I'll be fine.

"Would you care to dance?" He asks smiling as he looks over at me.

When Mr. Donovan asked to bring Alexis out for a dance, it made my blood boil. There was no way I was about to let him bring her out to dance. I was just about to say something when I hear her speak up, it made my heart melt.

"I think Levi was on his way to take me out there, Maybe another time." She replied to him smiling, looking up at me.

"Yes I was, I just wanted to introduce her to you, so you knew who you're working with." I say to Mr. Donovan.

"Alexis, shall we?" I say with a smile as I take her hand and bring her out to the dance floor, she looks around at everyone "Levi.." she says worried "I don't know how to do the waltz."

"Just follow my lead, and you'll be just fine." I assure her with a smile.

"Now place your left hand on my shoulder, keep it firm, but stay relaxed, just let me lead the way." I whisper to her as we start to dance. As I bring her around the dance floor she started out stiff but has since loosened up, she just looks so amazingly beautiful. I just want to stop dancing and kiss those lips of hers. For someone who doesn't know how to do the waltz, she's doing it so elegantly.

I look at her beauty, feeling that I'm a lucky guy, I will have to thank Sandy later for hiring her, otherwise I wouldn't be so lucky to have her in my arms right now. While I have my eyes on her as we're dancing, I can see all the other men eyeing her. I notice one guy in particular who is really keeping a close eye on her, and it's not sitting well with me.

As the music stops I pull her close to me wrapping my arms around her, giving her a kiss she won't forget. Hopefully the other men around here will see that she's mine and to stay away from her. As we pull apart, I look in her eyes, they are full of sparkle, she has the bedroom eyes going on that say to take me now.

"You did a wonderful job." I tell her as we walk off the dance floor, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "Do you realize how bad I want to take you somewhere here and make love to you. You're really turning me on tonight." I whisper to her with a wink. She blushed which made me let out a light laugh.

"Thank you, I didn't think I could do it, it's actually simpler than I thought it would be. Maybe it's because of the leader I had." She says with a smile nudging her shoulder against mine.

We walk over to Sandy and her husband, Sandy has a huge grin on her face, I lean down and whisper to Alexis, "We must have made a great impression."

"Why's that?

"Look at Sandy's face." She looks over at her and laughs.

"Mr. Matthews, I didn't know you could dance like that!" Sandy says shocked. "You two looked amazing out there."

"Thank you, I was a little nervous at first, I've never done that before." Alexis says with a chuckle.

Sandy puts her hand on her shoulder, "You did wonderful." I look at Alexis, "She did, all the men watching couldn't keep their eyes off of her. I seen them all eyeing her." I wink at Alexis, and lean down to kiss her cheek.

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