9-Confronting him

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I was getting ready to go to bed and my phone rang again, my phone has been ringing all day, if it wasn't ringing I was getting notification sounds from all the text messages. I almost let it keep ringing until I seen that it was Sandy calling, I answered her call.

"Hello? I answered. "Hi Alexis, I was calling to see if you were going to come to work tomorrow." Sandy asks nervously. "I think so, why?" I curiously ask knowing its because of Levi. "God I hope you are, today was a day of hell with that boss of ours." She says panicked. "Why? what happened?" I ask as I lay down in the bed. "Oh my God, he was a monster today! When he seen and heard that you weren't coming in today he was a mess, well he was a mess before he started work it just all progressed throughout the day. I had walked into his office to bring him his coffee and as I was opening the door his cell phone hit the wall by the door, he was throwing around everything today, slamming doors, yelling at everyone. It was terrible." She says exhausted. As I listen to her talk I start feeling more guilty than I already feel and close my eyes as she is speaking. "Sandy, I'll be in tomorrow, I promise." I sigh hanging up and throwing my phone by my nightstand.


I look at the clock and see that Levi will be walking in any minute, I hear the elevator open and assume that it was him but it was Sandy. She walks in the room to talk to me "I'm sorry about yesterday, I know I should have came in, but I was having a bad day." I explain to her giving her a hug when I see the elevator open and its Levi walking in. I quickly stand back but he didn't take one look at us. He went straight into his office.

"I better let you go so you can get him his coffee before he starts throwing things around again." She says to me. "Oh joy, wish me luck." I tell her with a small chuckle.

I lightly knock on the door opening the door slowly, he has his chair turned facing the window leaning his head back in the chair. I stand on the other side of the desk leaning over and setting his coffee to where he wouldn't knock it over. "Thank you Sandy." He says in a depressed tone. "You're welcome, and it's Alexis." I say to him softly and nervously.

He quickly turns the chair around, he looks at me with hurt eyes "Alexis... I'm sorry I thought you were Sandy again, I figured you decided to quit." He says slowly and quietly putting his elbows on the desk and head in his hands, running his fingers through his hair and his fingers slowly running down the side of his face pulling his cheeks down and rubbing his temples.

"I-I should get back to work." I say to him as I turn to walk away. "Wait." He says standing up and walking over to me. I stop and turn around. He stands face to face with me looking desperate he cups my face and my breathing becomes heavier, nervous he's going to try and kiss me, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack as my breathing is really heavy.

"I think I'm owed an explanation about the other night." I look in his eyes, I see hurtness in them, his light green eyes have turned to dark green. I close my eyes and take a deep breath "Levi, I'm so sorry about the other night.." I say to him softly as I open my eyes. "I didn't mean to take off like that and ignore you all day yesterday, I had a lot of things going on in my mind, a lot of different emotions, and went to visit with my sister."

He takes his hands off my face and embraces me in a tight hug "I was so worried about you, you could have at least let me know that you were ok." I wrap my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest "I'm really sorry, I just didn't want to be bothered. I was really embarrassed about everything."

He leans back looking down at me "What was there to be embarrassed about?" I let go of him stepping back looking away shrugging my shoulders. "Everything." I say quietly. "I need to get to work." I say to him walking towards the door.

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