chapter 6

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Jordan POV

"Hey Susy, can you push my meeting back a little bit. I might be fifteen to twenty minutes late". He said jogging back to the cafe where he met Jeamal.
"Sure, what should I tell them?", Jordan's secretary asked while pounding on the key board.
"Uhhhmmm, you know just make an excuse", with that Jordan disconnected the call.

He stood at the entrance to the cafe and he spotted Jeamal where he left her. He gradually pushed the door open making the little bell sound which notified the bartender.

Jordan sat down opposite Jeamal and laughed, "Funny things I do". Jeamal looked at him with her delicate face giving a way weakness.
"I would help you to your car", he smiled.
"J", Bryan called as he walked towards them. Jordan immediately weighed Bryan and smirked.
"J are you alright?. What did you drink?", he asked while examining Jeamal with his eyes.

"One question at a time Ryan", Jordan said recognising him. Bryan was the son of Jim Wright . The Wright family  were the owner of Western bank and  they also owned resorts, hotels and commercial properties in various countries. The family recently bought an Oil company in China. Jordan's family where the largest shareholders in Bryan's company, and also provided top private security for top millionaires and billionaires around the world by recruiting young minds for training. Jordan's grandmother, karla Kartney started a private investigation firm that worked with the police around the country in 1958.  Jordan and Bryan meet up a few times when their parents played golf and talked business and at Yancy Hames birthday parties back in the days. Jordan just got back from his adventurous trip to handle the family company with his young sister who was getting married to Fidel Throdre whose family ran the Central banking system.

Bryan POV

I turned around and found Jordan sitting just in the opposite direction.

"Whoa dude, how long has it been?", he said pulling Jordan into a friendly handshake.
Jordan smiled with his eyes filled with delight. "You can tell right away he was a loyal guy".
"Let's meet up for sports sometime", I said wanting to know more about him. Growing up, I always admired the aura that Jordan had. He had this charisma that opened doors wherever he went to, and that shooed me away. He winced, "definitely not golf".
"No, no,no......I ain't gonna play golf with you. I want something more competitive".
"Basketball", Jordan said with a chuckle.
"Am down", He said as the exchanged  business cards.

Bryan decided to take Jeamal home while Jordan followed behind with her car. They discovered that the tea had caffeine in it, and that drained Jeamal making her weak. Jordan left for his car feeling accomplished with a large smile on his face.

Sean POV

"I heard about your accident two months ago, you seem fine to me", Yancy asked while looking at the mountain view from their yacht. The breeze blew her transparent turquoise beach gown as she adjusted her sunglasses.
Sean was quiet for a while before he stood up and gave Yancy a back hug.
He felt the softness of her thighs, then he whispered, "ain't you happy that am here?".
Yancy smiled, but that smile was a smile of someone who knew something.
Sean knew it.

*****thank u for reading chapter 6***
****whoa.. What does Yancy know?. What would Bryan and Jordan figure out soon?. When is the baby shower and what would happen???..
Stay tune and find out in the next chapter. Thank u 😚😚

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