Chapter 23

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The landlord Lawson yawned feeling tired after a long night, he climbed the narrow stairs leading to a small four hundred square feet studio.
"when is he going to move already?"
He mumbled to himself. He had collected a down payment from the new tenant promising the room was going to be ready in a week. Aswel has always been a troublesome tenant and finally he was getting rid of himself.
Lawson sighed with joy, he rang the doorbell for a few minutes before checking the time.
It was only 5:54 am.
He dialed his number hearing it ring.
"Is he freaking playing games now?"
Lawson pounded on the door, then pulled the knob. The door pushed open making some creaking noise, it was dark inside with the window open allowing the little brightness find its way into the room.
" in", he turned the lights on.
There was pills scattered on the floor with Aswel laying on his back, his eyes well open. It looked like ruckus had struck the room, the bedsheet was on the floor with the bed upside down. There was a pool of blood around his head and trails of blood on the bedsheet.
Lawson trembled rushing out of the room.
"my phone...yeah my phone".
He dialed 911.
"911 whats your emergency?"
"Some body...a body...dead here?"
"Sir, please speak louder, whats your emergency?"

Jordan's POV

Jordan left the crime scene devastated. He closed his little note pad, walking the police officer to his car.
"I would like to do a more in depth investigation with my team".
"Sure, I would give you a call when we find anything. But it sure looks like suicide from the first look".
The siren noise penetrated the mood of the street, neighbours and passer bys stopped to know what was going on.
"ANOTHER FREAKING MURDER....suicide my ass".
He got out of the car and made his way straight to Jeamal's house.

*****MURDER.....omg...Yeah did u think the killer would give up so easily...THen is he really a killer??. The question is did Bryan kill Aswel? tell. THANK U SO MUCH FOR READING,SHARING and COMMENTING. YOU ARE SO FREAKING BLESSED. Notice how i used freaking a lot in this I don't curse. WHOSE LOOKING FOWARD TO THE NEXT CHAPTER... HECK YH I AM>>I DONT KNOW ABOUT U😉😉😉😉😗😗😗😗😗**************

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