Chapter 8 ~ Mia and Rafael

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Lily was frozen solid as her head was still being held by Leon close to his chest.

In fact, she wanted time to stop in this moment so she could feel the bliss and happiness of being hold tightly in the chest of her beloved for all eternity.

However, after noticing the giggles of the vendors and many envy stares from the women, Lily snapped out of it.

She moved away from Leon, regretting doing so immediately, but thanked Leon for saving her.

"There is no need for that. In fact, I am the one who should be apologizing for leaving you alone."

Leon bowed his head to her.

Lily surprised at his action immediately asked him to rise his head.

"Th-There's no need to apologize Leon. In fact, I should be thanking you many more times for saving me and the feast you gave me..."

Lily muttered the part about the feast Leon gave her as she averted her eyes in embarrassment.

And of course, it was about the feast which filled her heart so fully.

Leon, confused by the part Lily mumbled, thought hardly what she could mean.

He then arrived at an answer.

"Oh are you talking about this?"

Leon brought out several wolves meat skewers from his <<Inventory>> which still had smoke rising from it and presented it to her.

Lily smiled conflictingly and said "That is not it, but thank you." as she took the skewer.

"Of course that's not it you stupid!"

A high pitch angry voice, similar to that of a child while she's mad, suddenly joined in Leon's and Lily's conversation.

When the both of them turned towards the source of the voice, they saw a child with short purple hair covered with a pointed hat, one which Leon recalled as a witch's hat.

The mysterious child was holding a wooden staff, which was taller than her, and wearing what seemed to be a light purple mage's robe.

While standing in a pompous way, she continued.

"What she meant by feast is of course you holding her head to your chest!"

Lily realised what the little girl was talking about and went red again.


Leon as if realising something turned to Lily.

Lily, surprised by Leon's sudden realisation, started guessing what Leon realised.

Do-Does he finally realise my feeling?!

"I am sorry. I didn't think about how it would make you uncomfortable."

Given an apology instead of a love confession stunned Lily.

The little girl slaps her forehead and shakes her head in exasperation while mumbling "Oh my God..."

Noticing Lily frozen, Leon realised that he needed to give her his reason.

"I'm very sorry. I thought that if they think you are my lover, they will give up and stop bothering you. That is why I told them that and hold you in such a way. I did not thought that it will make you that uncomfortable. My deepest apologies."

Lowering his head once more, Leon peeked up to see Lily's emotion.

Lily's eyes now looked like that of a dead fish. Her face, although still smiling slightly, somehow didn't gave off the feeling of forgiveness.

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