Chapter 43.2 ~ Morning Training

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The martial art Leon wanted to teach her was aikido. It was a defensive martial art form which doesn't require as much physical strength as other martial art such as taekwondo or boxing. In addition to improving her concentration, she will be able to protect herself against regular thugs or assailants if she manage to learn it. In fact, improving her concentration was just a bonus. His main intention was to teach her how to defend herself so she could protect herself against situations similar to the time with thugs in Lingenia.

Morning training alone with Leon! I'm so happy!

Lily was visibly excited and happy since she could continue spending time alone with Leon every morning. She had been teaching Leon how to write and read, but since Leon was able to quickly learn it, she was beginning to feel sad. She was rarely alone with him outside of that since they usually hang out along with Mia, Rafael, Freya and the rest all the time. So, although it was for training, she was very happy she could continue spending her time alone with Leon. So happy that her delusions run wild for a moment.

Wait! Could it be? Leon realise that our alone time was ending so he make an excuse and prolong our sweet private time together! Ah, I'm so happy! To think Leon wants to continue spending time alone with me!

"Oh? Lily, Leon, what are you doing here?"

A man's voice from the forest snapped Lily out of her delusions.

"Good morning, Rafael. I sensed magic power when I woke up so I came to investigate, but turns out it was Lily."

"I was practicing magic. I'm sorry if I bothered you."

Rafael shook his head and gestured towards his sword.

"No no, I also came here to train."

"Thanks. Then would it be fine if I continue practicing magic here?"

"Of course."

"Then, I'm going to prepare our breakfast. Lily, we'll start our training tomorrow okay? Since you've recovered your mana, you can continue practicing your magic but don't push yourself too hard."

"Yes! Thank you Leon."

I will concentrate on Lily's magic power and stop her if she was about to exhaust herself again, Leon thought. He went back towards the camp and took out a mad boar Vyra hunted before the behemoth's incident. Its anatomy was similar to the boar in Leon's world and since he had seen a skilled chef and butcher prepared it, he could imitate it to an extent.

He created water with magic and pour it into the pot which was placed on top of a simple fireplace for cooking. Since the morning was cold, Leon thought that bread and soup would be great for breakfast. After he was done cutting the boar's meat into little pieces, he puts it into the boiling water and added various herbs and spices he bought from a spice store back in Lingenia. Fortunately, he was able to find common spices from back in his world such as salt, pepper, paprika, ginger, oregano, thyme, etc. Although their names were different, he was able to identify them based on their smell and taste.

As he was preparing their breakfast, Mia, Freya and the others start waking up one by one. Charlotte who woke up last toddled straight to Leon while still being half asleep. She laid her head on his lap him and went back to sleep as he was preparing waiting for the food to finish cooking. She took Leon's hand and put it on her head. Realising what she wanted, Leon start stroking her head which sent her to cloud nine.

After a while, Leon woke Charlotte up and asked Vyra to call Lily and Rafael. Although she didn't know where they were, she could sense Lily's magic power and the sound of their movements, allowing her to grasp their location without asking Leon.

After the two came back, everybody began eating breakfast.

""Thanks for the food~""

"Wow, this is so good!"

"Le-Leon, you can cook?!"

"I learned how to cook a little when I was ten."

"This is not on the level of a little! This is really good!"

"I'm glad you like it."

"Master, I want seconds~"

"M-Me too, if I may, my liege."

"Ah, darling is such a good cook! He would make such a great house husband for me~"

Due to their surprise of Leon's cooking skills, the quiet morning became rowdy really quickly. The only ones who were quiet were Alex and Rafael, who were busy devouring their meal.

After finishing their breakfast, they cleaned up their campsite and continue their travel towards the royal capital. Since they have Leon's <<Inventory>>, they could set up camp easily so there was no rush in having to arrive to cities, towns or villages. Although it was more preferable to sleep on a bed, they wouldn't need to panic when they're still far from a town after sunset.

Other travelers on the other hand would still worry. Even though they've prepared camp gears such as cooking tool and tents, there was still the danger of monsters. However, for Leon and the others, such a thing will not pose a problem.

Most monsters living near the edge of the woods could be handled by rank d adventurers while monsters living deeper in the forest would be much stronger. There were a lot more food and resources deeper in the forest, and since it was survival of the fittest, the weaker monster would be forced to the edge where resources were scarcer. That was also the reason why monsters would sometimes attack travelers. Although, there were a few cases in which strong monsters would come to the edge of the forest, either in order to chase after something or for their own amusement.

"Well, there's no way they would come out after they sense our magic power right?"

Was what Mia said. Monster could sense magic power better than human, thus, they could sense Leon, Mia's and the other's magic power even if Leon and his player assistant suppressed it to an extent to hide their true power from other people.

In addition, Leon and his player assistants could sense magic power coming from monsters that would come near them. Mia, Rafael and Lily could also sense monsters' presence since they're used to hunting them. Thus, there wasn't any need for Crimson Lightning to worry about being ambushed by strong monsters.

Vyra would also survey their surroundings before they set up a camp so there was no need to worry about being ambushed by monster. Even if there were monster, they would be instantly disposed of by Vyra and become ingredients for them.

Moreover, since Leon and Freya could heal the horses' fatigue, they traveled 2 days worth of distance in one and a half day. Thus, even if they spent their time leisurely, they would be able to reach the royal capital in less than 2 weeks. 

AN: Sorry for the late update >_<  I'm still in my exam weeks so had my mind occupied there. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't worry, the next chapter will be really fun :D (Hint: New Girl(s), New Arc~)

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