Chapter 95.2 ~ Reflection

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AN: Been trying to get good at drawing. Partly because of my Uni project, but also because it's something I've been wanting to be good at. If you guys have any suggestions for a good drawing tablet under about $100, please inform me in the comments~! Hope you guys enjoy this one! Votes, as usual, are greatly appreciated~!

As soon as Leon entered the living room, he was welcomed by his friends looking at him.

"L-Leon, is everything okay?"

"Yes, he'll be fine. Though, he did cry himself to sleep so I haven't got the chance to ask him about his plans from now on."

"No, darling. What Lily asked is are you okay?"


Leon looked at his friends, lovers and family, and saw them looking at him right in the eyes. He noticed their worry for him.

How did they noticed...?

When Leon talked to Yuki, he felt the pain in his heart surfacing again. The loneliness of being isolated, the despair of not being able to trust anyone, and how miserable he was in the past. It was just like he said, the scar hadn't completely healed.

Leon thought he hid his inner turmoil well. He didn't want to worry the people he loves and treasure so much. But... it seems they've come to know him that well.

A gentle happy smile formed on his face as the warmth his family gave him grew in his heart.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

Rafael, Mia,. Vincent and Alex smiled and nodded at him. They felt relieved that Leon was fine. The face he had when he came here was the face when he was hiding something from them. It was when he felt upset inside but tried his hardest not to show them and make them worry. Somehow, they feel really happy to have notice that slight change in Leon's expression.

Freya, Vyra, Lily, Charlotte and Victoria immediately approach him and hug him into a tight, loving embrace.

Victoria patted Leon's head and smiled at him just like how a big sister would to sooth her little brother. Charlotte wrap her arms around his stomach and embraced him tightly, telling him she'd always be there for him.

Freya, Vyra and Lily all gave him a sweet, loving kiss and hug him, letting him know that they'll be there for him for him in happiness and in sorrow, forever.

Even without words, Leon could feel their warm love for him. He was truly a lucky man to have met all of them.

I hope you'll find someone who'll love you as well, Yuki...

Leon smiled and held his lovers and sisters closer, vowing once again in his heart to make protect the happiness of his family.


Leon and the others chatted with each other and decided to have dinner. During dinner, Rafael and Alex talked with Vincent and get to know each other better while Lily and Mia became closer to Victoria as they talked about Leon.

Lily and Mia talked about the adventurers they had while Victoria talked about how she and her husband met Leon.

When Leon heard this, he was reminded that he was still hiding something from Lily, Mia and Rafael. It was mainly about the fact that he didn't come from this world and his relationship with his player assistants.

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