Chapter 102.1 ~ Eagerness

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! As I said in my announcement yesterday, I'll try to breeze through the company arc. Honestly, it was the main obstacle that made it very hard for me to write, but it was necessary. I'm not that familiar with economy and finance so if you guys notice any mistakes, please forgive me.There will be more action and plot after the company arc, so stay tuned XDXD!!! 

"Fire, heed my order and pierce my enemy! Flame Lance!"

"Oh Goddess, let my magic be one with the wind and strike all who stands before me! Merciless Gale!"

A spiralling lance made of fire and blades of wind flew with voracious speed towards the last two of the flame avatars standing at the distance. Two explosions occurred, one earlier than the other, right upon contact, causing a large cloud of dust to form in its wake.

A few moments later, the cloud of dust dispersed, revealing the two flame avatars still standing strong as if nothing happened.

Those flame avatars were something Leon came up with to help Mia and Lily with their aiming and magic practice. When they first tried it out, Mia could destroy two flame avatars at once while Lily managed to kill the same number.

But after a while, they've improved vastly to the point that Mia could decimate five of Leon's flame avatars with a single intermediate spell and Lily could easily pierce all five of their heads using a spell she imitated from Leon. It was the spell that created more than one ethereal magic arrows that will float around the caster until the arrow in her bow was shot.

To use this magic, the caster must have incredible control over her mana, the concentration to maintain it, and the ability to control more than one flying object that traveled with voracious speed. As deadly as it was, the spell was an absurdly difficult spell to master.

Only Leon and Lily have ever managed to control five or more magical projectiles at once. Mia, who could only control three magic projectiles at most, couldn't help but sigh in admiration and exasperation at the couple. They were just beyond her common sense.

"That's enough. Good work on today's exercise, everyone. Please have a nice rest for the rest of the day. You are dismissed."

Immediately after, Cory, slumped down to the ground. His disheveled curly blonde hair was wet from sweat, and the way he was breathing now wouldn't be appropriate for him in a public setting as the son of an earl.

In contrast, Kierk, who also did Leon's offensive projectile magic spell exercise along with Cory, breathe out slowly, calming down his breathing and mana flow in his body.

Today's practical magic exercise was a simple one. Students must use their strongest projectile spell and shoot all five Flame Avatar Leon made one after another. They were placed about 5 meters between each other and 200 meters away from the students.

But for those who weren't as adept in controlling their mana, it was incredibly exhausting.

This exercise was meant to improve the students' control over their spell, aim, and mana flow. But because he decided to follow Leon's instruction only after he saw how much his classmates were improving, Cory was only able to cast three intermediate spells decently.

He was easily exhausted as he had to use much more mana to maintain the power and range of his spell. Moreover, his lack of stamina was also a problem. Despite the stamina training Leon gave his class for this very reason, his stamina was still very low because he didn't take it seriously.

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