Chapter 48.1 ~ Travelling with the Princess (1)

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AN: Okay. Yesterday morning, I thought I was late in updating because I felt like I haven't updated in weeks. Turns out, I just updated last Sunday. I usually update twice a week that updating once a week really threw me off XD. Alright, I'm going back to two updates a week~ Hope you enjoy it!!!

The rest of Crimson Lightning arrived at the site of the attack along with their carriage soon after they saw Leon's signal. They seemed to be in a hurry to reach Leon's place since they were worried about him. Although they knew Leon was much more powerful than them, it was only natural to worry about a friend, especially since the danger was on the level that Leon wanted them to stay behind until the situation was taken care of.

After reaching the site of attack, Freya and the others saw a group of knights dragging what looks like heavily injured and unconscious bandits to one place. As they walk pass them, a carriage entered their sight along with Leon and two unknown beautiful woman. A knight sped off with a horse after talking with one of the woman.

After catching a sight of Leon, Charlotte rushed to him and tackle hugged him. She planted her face on him and began rubbing it on his body while sniffing in a lungful of Leon's scent which calms her down.

"Charlotte, there's no need to run that fast."

"I was worried."

"I'm sorry for making you worry."

Leon said as she stroked her head.

"Who is this little girl, Leon?"

The princess tilted her head and asked him. From that simple gesture, Leon could see the elegance that has been deep rooted in her as expected from a royalty. However, it could have been an act to hide her true nature.

"This is my little sister and a member of my party, Charlotte."

"I see, so she is your little sister. Then, I assume these ladies and gentlemen are also your comrades?"

Aria gestured towards Freya and the others who just arrived.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Freya, a member of the adventurer party Crimson Lightning. It is a pleasure to be your acquaintance."

Freya greeted Aria with a curtsy confidently with elegance on par with the princess herself. If she didn't mention being a member of an adventurer's party, she might be mistaken as a royalty from another country herself. Although only slightly, thanks to her composure, even Aria seemed surprised after witnessing her demeanor and appearance.

"It is nice to meet you, Ms. Freya. My name is Aria von Arcland, first princess of Arcland Kingdom."

Lily, Rafael and Mia got incredibly surprised at her revelation. They began to stutter and were confused whether to introduce themselves, kneel, or if there were any special or proper conducts they need to do while meeting the princess.

"My, it is such an honor to meet you, your highness. I never thought I would have the privilege to meet the princess in a place like this."

Unlike Lily and the others, Freya was still eloquent with her speech even though she was slightly surprised. It was as though she was used to meeting royalties and nobles.

"Likewise. Though, it is unfortunate for our first meeting to be in this situation. But just like how every cloud has a silver lining, I am very happy to have meet all of you."

The princess turned her head towards Leon and smiled radiantly which confused Leon.

"Especially, I am extremely elated that I got to meet a man who caught my interest for the first time."

Grandeur Fantasiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें