Chapter 68.1 Discussion (2)

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AN: Big announcement!!!! I'll be publishing 2 new stories in a while!!! One is a Code Geass Fanfic! Probably, if not, my favorite anime of all times! And the other one is a reincarnated otome series! Please feel free to check it out if you're interested XDXD!!! 

"The person I have in mind for being the perpetrator of this incident is Pavel von Gerard."

Leon said so resolutely. Normally, no one would not be surprised when someone accused an influential noble for a crime against the crown. However, the face that the king, prince, prime minister, royal guard commander, and head of the royal court magician were grim. They sighed heavily since their suspicion were once again confirmed.

"...I see. Although it was unfortunate, all of us here also thought of the same thing, Leon. We also suspected the perpetrator of this crime to be that man along with his house."

Leon looked slightly surprised at them. Not because he didn't expect them to make him one of the possible perpetrator of this incident, but because they were as sure as he is.

Although he had already knew of Pavel's character and had gathered various information and rumors about him, he didn't deny the fact that there might be something he might not know yet. Since Pavel is a high ranked noble, the royal family most probably know about him more than Leon. Although that might be in turn why they were sure, there's still the possibility of them knowing a good side of Pavel that made them think he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

The prince noticed Leon's surprise and tried to explain to him why they could be so sure.

"The Gerard house has been very eager to amass even more power and influence that what they already have now. Although that in of itself was a normal occurance, the problem was they willingly use underhanded and illegal business that would bring harm to the kingdom to gain wealth and fame. It was actually quite a problem for us since they were becoming very troublesome recently."

Although he was the crown prince, saying such statements against one of the largest house of nobility in the kingdom was still out of the line. Everyone, even Alvis himself knew that he was out of the line. But no one also reproached him. In all honesty, they too share the same opinion as Alvis and so they decided to keep quiet and let him continue.

"And Pavel... Well he and I were of the same age and we entered the royal academy in the same year so I am quite acquainted with him to my dismay. Since he was young, he had always been arrogant and thoughtless to say the least."

Leon wasn't surprised nor question Alvis at all. In fact, he just accepted it and thought 'So he was already stupid since long ago'.

"There were numerous rumors about Pavel playing with maids or any females who caught his eyes, no matter if they already had a lover or not, and would cause troubles to fulfill his desires. And thanks to his house's influence, they were unable to punish him and he continue to wreak havoc."

To this, the prime minister's mood went down even further as he recall the amount of trouble that man did and pity towards the victims. Verand and Julia were also visibly troubled since they have received their share of troubles as well because of Pavel. The king, although still seemed calm and composed, had one of his hand in a fist.

"That alone would have been better since we would be able to eventually catch his tail. However, he unfortunately caught sight of Aria and got interested in her."

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