○ SIX ○

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○ SIX ○

"Hey"I said as I placed my bag on the counter.

Chris turned around to see me and gave me a big smile before letting it slide. "That doesn't sound like a happy hey" he said, frowning.

I shrugged one shoulder. "Didn't have a good day" I replied.

Chris frowned even more. "Is Matthew really getting on you that bad?" He asked.

I sighed and slid onto the stool and ran a hand through my hair. "No, this time it's me" I replied.

He leaned on the counter and glanced at me worriedly. "Want to talk about it?" He asked, his eyes searching mine.

I opened my mouth to reply but I heard a noise and turned around to see Mum almost stumble down the stairs. "Chris? Do you know when Shelby will be home?" She asked, rummaging through his bag.

She looked up and noticed me. "Oh you're already home" she said before walking over to me.

She kissed me on the cheek. "I have to go to work honey, but I've given Chris full permission to let you guys have a lazy night" she said, smoothing back my hair.

I nodded. "Thanks mum, I'll see you in the morning" I said.

She smiled. "Behave" she said to Chris who gave her an innocent look.

My mother walked out the door and shortly we heard her car start. "So what happened today?" Chris asked, back to our conversation.

I bit my lip. "Do you think I'm an awful person? For holding onto something that was a year ago?" I asked, peering at my brother.

He frowned. "Are you talking about how you keep bringing up the fact that Matt abandoned you when his parents died, because he pushed you away?" He asked, looking at me as if I should know.

"When you put it like that.." I trailed off.

"Look, here's what I think, I think the both of you need to spend a little time together, to get on the same page because neither of you know each other anymore, like it or not little sister, he might not have pushed you away deliberately, and if he did, I'm sure it was for a good reason" Chris said as he walked around the center bench to clap me on the shoulder.

"I'm ordering pizza for dinner, but I will be out u till 7,are you okay on your own for a while?" He asked, concerned.

I nodded, my mind abuzz with thoughts. "Okay, I'll see you later" he said, before walking out of the house.

I stared at the marble bench tops, not quite sure what to do. I picked up my phone and signed. A black screen met me and I stood up. Alana hadn't talked to me since this morning. I knew she was mad at me for what I said to Matthew and I knew he was super pissed at me for what I said to him.
I just wanted to graduate on a happy note.

I wanted to have a good year, leave all the drama and shut behind but it seems it follows me whatever I do.
I looked out the window that showed our front yard and Matthew's house across the road.

He lived there alone but had the house paid off by his Uncle. My stomach turned.
Just do it.

Sucking up all my courage, I walked over to the freezer and grabbed the tub of ice cream before walking into our lounge room and grabbing my favourite movie.

I grabbed the house keys and shut the door behind me as I walked across the front lawn. I walked across the street and up Matthew's driveway. I stared at my reflection in his car before walking up to his door.

Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell.

It took several moments but I heard his footsteps  before he opened up the door. I met his eyes and he moved to close the door again but I wedged myself in the middle. He sighed, angrily.

"What do you want?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I held up the movie and ice cream. "Truce?" I asked, hesitantly.

He stared at me for a moment before letting go of the door and letting me in. I closed it behind me. I spotted several boxes all sealed up with his parents names written on it. "So, you think Ice cream and a movie will make this better?" He asked, walking into his kitchen.

I followed him, plopping my objects onto the counter. "No, I don't, but I hope it's a step in the right direction" I replied.

His dark hair fell in his eyes and for the first time I actually looked at him. The dark circles under his eyes, the pale skin. He looked ill..  depressed.

Matt moved to a draw and pulled out two spoons. He gave me one before stealing the tub of ice cream out of my hands. He took the lid off and dug in before handing it back. I did the same.

It was silent for a moment as he seemed to study me and I looked away. "I didn't say it but your performance the other night was awesome" I said, breaking the tension 

He simply nodded. "Thank you" he replied.

I sighed. "This is ridiculous, we used to be best friends" I said, mostly to myself.

"Used to be, being the key words" he replied, standing up straighter.

He took more ice cream. "Look, for my part to pay in all of this, I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry and I feel terrible that I just gave up on you like that" I said, trying to tell him how sorry I was.

He put the ice cream tub on the counter. "I'm not mad at you for giving up on me, because you didn't give up on me, if you had, you wouldn't be here" Matt replied.

I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out.
"No Shelby, I was mad at you because you were so perfect, you had parents, a brother, friends and what else did you have, me.. you had me and yet when my parents died all I could think about is how much I hated you because I was with you and not them" he said, his voice almost breaking.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Because that day I came over, the day my whole life changed.. it was supposed to change for the better because that day I was going to tell you how much you meant to me and how much I loved you and then my parents died and I hated you... I hated you because you were there for me" he added, taking a deep breath.

I couldn't reply. His confession had me reeling. "I now know that I didn't hate you, I hated myself and took it out on you and all these months I haven't had the strength to tell you that I needed you as a friend because I'm the most stubborn person ever" he finished, glancing down at the ice cream.

He stabbed it with his spoon before pushing it away and sighing as he lent on the bench. "Say something" he practically begged.

Honestly, I was blown away.
No words came to me.


There. Matt's little confession.
Were you expecting that?

I wonder what Chris is up to?
Will Shelby find something to say to Matt?

Lots of love, T xoxoxo

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