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( Isn't she just so beautiful! That's our Shelby!)

I tightened my hold on my bag strap as I walked towards my locker. Sighing, I pulled out some gum and stuck it in my mouth before sighing when I saw Harry and Conner leaning against my locker.

"What can I do for you?" I asked, walking up behind them.

They whirled around and Harry pressed a hand to his heart. "We've been trying to call and text you but no reply" Conner said quickly. 

I shrugged one shoulder. "I turned my phone off, the only people who need to know where I am is my mother and I'm living with her" I replied, glancing at Harry.

"Okay, that's just hurtful" he mumbled.

I frowned. He really was the Charles Boyle of friends. "What can I do for you?" I asked again, looking back at Conner.

"Shelby, you know why we're here, he's literally crashed and burne-" he was saying before I cut him off.

"I don't care, not my problem anymore, I tried to care for him and once again he pushed me away and that's the last time I'll ever fall for that...I'm done" I replied, touching Conner's shoulder.

He moved off my locker and I pulled it open. "It was good to see you guys, should hang out sometime" I said as I grabbed my next period books.

"Well if you wan-" Conner started to say again.

"I said should, not that we will" I replied, feeling every bit as a bitch as I knew I was being.

Harry's mouth fell open as I slammed my locker and walked away from them. I spotted Courtney standing in the corner with her cronies. She seemed triumphant but little did she know that she could have Matthew. I wasn't fighting for him anymore.

I made it to my classroom just in time before the bell went. I slumped down into my seat, my brownish blonde hair, falling across my face.

"Students, please be a little more welcoming to our newesf addition, he transferred from Australia and has never met a school quite like this" Mr Jones was saying as I zoned in.

Two girls sitting in front me, started to whisper and I rolled my eyes. My eyes darted to the door as a tall, sun-kissed and green eyed stranger walked through the door. The Principal had his hand on the boy's shoulder and introduced him to the teacher.

I flicked my eyes down to my books, my oen doodling weird things in the paper. "Why don't you introduce yourself" I heard the teacher say.

I looked up as the new guy began to speak. "I'm Jaxon, I was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia" he said before glancing at the teacher.

The teacher nodded and gestured to the class with many empty seats. "Oh my god, he is crazy hot, I wonder if he knows the Hemsworth brothers" the girls in front of me whispered and giggled.

I rolled my eyes again. "The Hemsworth brothers are on the east coast of Australia, so I doubt that" I whispered back, making them look at me.

"Who invited you to this conversation?" One of the girls rudely asked. 

"Hmm you were talking so loud, I thought everyone could weigh in on it" I replied, giving them a sarcastic smile.

They faced the front and I turned my head to lool at the new guy as he pulled the chair out from beside me. "Might not want to sit there" I said, just as he sat down.

He looked at me weirdly. "Some people wanna know if you know the Hemsworth brothers" I replied as one the girls in front shot me a dirty look.

"They aren't the only famous Australians" he replied.

I glanced at him again, taking in his golden fluff of hair that looked like it had been styled for a model. Which was fitting, because he looked like a model. Did all Australian guys look like this?

"Yeah I know" I replied.

He nodded and looked at me fully. "Didn't fully introduce myself, Jaxon Flynn, and you are?" He asked, giving me a small smile.

"Shelby McGraw, welcome to hell" I said, facing my book again.

"Thanks, so far you're the only person who hasn't gawked at me or asked me to say 'g'day mate" he replied.

I raised an eyebrow. "I did say it was hell" I replied.

He chuckled. God, who knew Australian accents were hot? Why wasn't I informed of this earlier!?

"America is weird" he said as the teacher started to write on the board.

"How so?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Well you spell favourite, without the u" he replied, glancing at me.

Our eyes met and I looked away quickly. "You get used to it eventually" I replied.

"Right" he replied.

We fell silent as we began our work. He stared at the board a few times as he tried to figure out what we were studying. I was just about to finally help him when the bell went, signaling end of class.

"Since you're brand new, you can sit with me if you like" I said, glancing at Jaxon.

"Oh I have to sit with the football guys, I joined their team" he said, frowning.

"Thanks though" he added.

I nodded as he walked out. "Miss McGraw" my teacher called.

I sighed and turned to look at him as Mr Jones walked up to me. "It's good to see you are back to your old self, thought we lost you for a second" he said, before holding out a folder.

Grabbing it, I opened it to see the bright A, flashing back at me.

"Keep up the good work" Jones said before walking back to his desk.

I held the folder tightly as I walked out of class and back to my locker. Suddenly, the documents were ripped from my hand. "What do we have here? Oh look! Nerd alert!" One of the football guys laughed as he showed everyone my A.

I glared at him. "Just because some of us pay attention in class and doesn't have little monkeys dancing in my head, doesn't mean I'm a nerd" I snapped back.

"What did you say?" The tough guy asked as he stepped closer to me.

My back hit the lockers, as he raised a hand to trap me there. "You think you're smarter than me?" He asked, leaning closer.

I wanted to vomit. "She is smarter than you, now back off Levi" a familiar voice growled.

Levi stepped back to see Matthew standing firm with his arms crossed. Harry, Conner and Wes all backed him up, copying his stance.
"Oh, pretty boy is gonna save her" he said as a few guys laughed.

I watched as Matthew's face went cold and I knew what was going to happen next. We would both end up in the Principal's office again. "Enough, piss off Levi" I said, making the jock look at me.

He shoved the folder back into my chest, making me stumble as I caught it. "Next time sweetheart" he said, giving me a cruel smile.

Levi and his football friends walked away. "Are you okay?" Matthew asked, looking at me.

I didn't look at him. "I didn't need your help.." I trailed off.

Not resisting it, I looked at him. "I have never needed your help" I finished before seeing him flinch.

With that, I walked off.



But at least he came to her rescue. That was nice.
Is Levi going to be a problem? And what about our new character, Jaxon?

What did you think of this chapter?
Erh, I just want to keep updating it.. oh well.. looks like multiple updates for HWABB!!

Love, Tavana oo na na!

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