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Matt answered the phone, pressing it to his ear. "Hello?" He said, glancing at me.

I sat up straighter. "Yes, I'm at the hospital now" Matthew said standing up.

He glanced at me before gesturing to me and doing the universal talk sign before pointing at the phone. I shook my head no. I didn't want to talk to my brother.

"No, I'm afraid not, it looks likes she's sleeping" Matt lied.

Matthew went silent as he listened intently. "Yes of course, I'll let her know when she wakes up" he said, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Okay then, nice to hear from you Chris" Matthew said rolling his eyes.

I stifled a laugh. "Bye" he said before hanging up.

He put the phone away and glanced back at me. "It sounds like he really wants to talk to you" he said, frowning.

I crossed my arms. "Well I don't want to talk to him, he betrayed me" I replied.

Matthew leaned forward. "Sometimes being the bigger person is forgiving others for their mistakes" he said, his hand touching mine.

I flipped my hand, so I could entwine my fingers with his. I watched the veins in his arm, fascinated and I hadn't even realised I was trailing my pointer finger up along it.

He caught my hand, before raising it to his lips. He kissed my knuckles gently and I felt a shiver go down my spin. My eyes were wide with wonder and shock as his eyes met mine.

He leaned forward more and I had no chance to react before he was kissing me. Everything I wanted to say was stuck in my throat. Confidently, I raised my hands and slid them across his hard muscled arm towards his shoulders. Slowly and softly like I was holding something precious, I cupped his cheeks.

Matt's mouth coaxed mine open and wild. This felt like embracing a wild storm. He had his arms either side of me to support him as I pulled him closer.
His teeth nipped at my bottom lip before pulling away.

I sucked in breaths, unsure as to what just happened and if I was breathing properly. He picked up his hand and brushed my hair back from my eyes. "Get well Shelby" he whispered before leaning in and leaving a small kiss on my forehead.

He pulled back fully and gave me a wink before heading for the door. He disappeared and I sighed as I fell back into my pillows, sinking further.

When the next day rose and crested across the sky, I watched as nurses flitted into my room gesturing towards me. My mum peeked her head around the corner of the door and smiled before walking in.

"Hey" she said, placing shopping bags on the seat next to my bed.

"Hey" I replied, smiling at her.

She gazed at me for a moment before slightly shaking her head. "How do you feel?" She asked.

"Better" I replied.

"I just talked to the doc and he said you should be fine to head home today" she replied, looking away.

I frowned. "Is everything okay?" I asked, worried.

My mother shook her head. "Nothing you need to worry about, everything is okay" she replied.

I didn't believe her one bit but I let it go. A knock on the door sounded and my mother spun around to see Alana standing the doorway. "Alana? What are you doing here?" She asked surprised.

"Mrs McGraw, hi, I um I'm here to see Shelby" Alana said nervously.

"Oh of course, would you girls like to be left alone?" She asked, glancing between us.

She frowned at me when I started to shake my head at her, giving her the desperation look I mastered. "I'll leave you two alone" she said before quickly escaping.

My mouth fell open. My mother was a traitor.

She pushed past Alana who stepped awkwardly in the room. I turned my head away to look at my hands which were nervously picking at the thread on the hospital blanket.

"Your brother and I are no longer together" Alana started.

I still didn't look up.

"In the end, you were right and I'm sorry for not listening to you" she continued.

I looked up and watched as she chewed the corner of her lip. "I'm not really that mad at you for dating my brother" I replied, narrowing my eyes.

She hung her head. "I know, I betrayed you, your trust and I know no matter how much I apologise I will never get that trust back" she said walking closer.

I tilted my hed to watch her. "I was so stupid and  I let Courtney into my head, she didn't care about me, all she cared about was Matthew and why you were with him" she added, guilt marking her face.

"I can answer that question" I said making her look up from her thoughts.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched me. "I'm with him because he makes me laugh, we were friends once before his parents died and now I feel like I'm getting him back, not the same guy though.. this one has been hurt and been alone for a long time and I like him. I'm around Matt because he was there for me when no one else was and he didn't even have to be" I replied.

Alana sighed sadly. "Sounds like you have feelings for him" she said softly.

It made me freeze. I mean, I know we had kissed a lot, had those sweet moments when our hands would entwine and I could definitely admit that I felt something when with him but I hadn't thought about if those feelings were real or not.

What if it was just a time waster for Matt but something completely different for me? What if he was playing with my feelings, knowing I'm stupid enough to fall for him.

Anger flashed through, the thought of being some practical joke had me reeling.
Alana could read it through my eyes.

"Oh no, Shelby I didn't mean anything by it, it just sounded like you like him a lot, don't overanalyze everything!" She exclaimed.

But I already had.

"I'm fine Alana, I'm not" I lied.

She didn't believe me one bit. My phone buzzed on the table next to my bed and I quickly grabbed it.

Your mum told me you're leaving hospital today,
We have a performance tonight.
Come see. MK. xx

I frowned at it before looking at Alana. "I'm not going to forgive you straight up... you have to work for it" I said, knowing that's what she wanted.

Alana nodded. "I will do my very best" she replied, thankful.


Ooo so Alana had apologised.
Egg..  something doesn't sit right with me ab in it Alana.

Another cute scene with Matt.

Is he playing her or is Shelby definitely overanalyzing it?


Lots of love,
T xoxo

Also thank you to all my readers! You guys have done an amazing job making me laugh with your comments! I do read them all. :) :)

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