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For a while, everything was settled. It was perfect. Matt and I would go on adventures after school, somehow we would end up kissing each other and I had started to think the worst was over.

But I was dead wrong.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Courtney grew angrier and more sly on her ways to split us up. The question of what Henry would want from me hung over my head like a double edged sword. Matthew and his band warmed up to me and I attended their practices more and more.

I felt like any other school girl, walking down the hallway with my shoulders brushing against Matt's. Everybody would still stare at us but he would only be looking at me and I at him.
My mother warned up to the idea of having Matt around more often and she reminded me time and time again that she had never seen me happier.

And I was. Happier.

It wasn't until May 6th that reality crashed into my universe again.

"Whoa" Wes suddenly said as I stood next to him in the hallway.

I was listening to a story Harry was telling and Harry turned around his eyes widening. "What?" I asked suddenly curious.

Conner grabbed my shoulders. "Hey look, we should go to your locker, it's on the other side of this wall yeah?" he asked, glancing at Wes.

Wes nodded but his eyes kept flickering behind me. I went to turn but Wes pushed me forward. "Let's go" he said quickly.

"Why are you guys acting so weird?" I asked, shaking off Conner's hands and turning around.

Everything within me froze. Than rage seeped into my very core. Wes took a step back, staring at me. "She's going to lose it" he whispered.

Rage seeped down my veins and into my hands curling them into fists. I was angrier than I was when I saw Alana and Chris. I had never felt this furious about anything.

My eyes locked on Courtney and Matthew. "Shelby?" Conner asked wearily.

I took a deep breath and unfurled my hands. The musicians shared a glance. I turned on my heel and walked away from the sight of Courtney and Matthew with their lips locked. "Uh oh" I barely heard Harry say.

I kept walking, my eyes blind with furious tears.
My shoulder knocked into someone, making them fly into the lockers. I didn't stop. I heard running footsteps but I ignored them as I marched for the front doors.

I had never loathed anyone as I much as I loathed him and her right now. "Shelby!" I heard  Harry's voice call out.

I knocked into another person who caught me. "Whoa, angry devil, where are you going?" The smirking jerk said.

I was in no mood to deal with Henry King. "Get out of my way, or deal with the consequences" I snapped.

He let me go, surprise crossing his face. "Sorry" I heard Harry say before he caught my wrist.

He spun me around and I glared at him. "What do you want, Harry!" I exclaimed.

"Shelby, please don't do anything stupid" he whispered.

I liked Harry, he was the calmer guy of the group. He always made sure I was having a good time and I didn't feel left out. But right now, he was giving me the opposite effect. "Stay away from me! You're all the same!" I snapped, pushing the guitarist away.

He stumbled back and I stormed away again. I wanted to punch something.
I made it to class and I sat in the back, lowering myself onto my seat and sliding all the way down.

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