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Shelby's POV

"Stop!" I exclaimed, pushing Matthew away.

He stumbled back but straightened. "Shelby" he said, his voice reacting to his emotion.

"No, you can't just come back here after five months and expect everything to be okay, you hurt me and it was for the last time!" I exclaimed.

"Please Shelby! I didn't want to hurt you! That was out of my control!" He exclaimed back.

A fire burned behind his eyes. "I'm going home, don't try and stop me" I replied, turning around.

I walked towards my parked car but once again, Matthew jumped in front of me. "I- I hav-ve to exp-plain" he stuttered, unsure.

"You've said enough, get out of my road Matthew!" I snapped.

He shook his head. "No, you will listen to me!" Matt snapped.

Without thinking, my hand darted forward and cracked across Matthew's cheek. His head swung to the side as he reached a hand up to clutch the red mark that began to show on his face. He turned his head to look at me in shock.

I dropped my hand. "Leave me alone" I said as my eyes glistened with tears.

Wanting to step around him, our shoulders brushed and he spun, catching my elbow. He pulled me around again and kissed me, crowding his body against mine.

Matthew cupped my cheeks, his lips moving against my mouth gently. He pulled away to the point where it was a three inches between us. "I love you Shelby, and I have never stopped loving you and I will never stop loving you" he breathed out.

Once again, I pulled away from him as my anger simmered. "Leave me alone Matthew, just leave me alone" I said quickly before walking towards my car.

I left Matthew standing in the parking lot as I peeled out of the lot and drove home. My fingers tapping on the steering wheel impatiently. Turning my music down, I watched a couple cross in front of my car as I waited for the traffic lights. Their hands were in each others and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you think your plan is, I highly suggest you stop it" I said, looking up and out of my window screen.

I was talking to the universe, hoping that it wasn't forcing some kinda sign onto me. The lights turned green and I sped off again, making it home without any more signs.

Unlocking my front door, I turned my head as lights swept my driveway. Matthew's flashy car headlights almost blinded me. Shielding my eyes, I was about to tell him to leave me alone when my bandmates got out of the car. "Thanks Matt!" Harry said cheerfully.

As the doors closed, Matt backed out of the driveway. Wes and Conner sidled up next to me. "You okay?" They asked in union.

I nodded and they squeezed past, opening the door. Harry stood beside me. "Could be worse" was all he said.

I glanced at him as he gave me a small smile and clasped my shoulder. "At least he's still the Matt we know and love" he said gently.

I looked down at my hands. "Goodnight Shelby" he said quickly.

"Harry" I said, making my best friend stop and turn to look at me.

Looking at me, he tilted his head. "He's back Shelby and it's not his fault that he left, all I'm saying is that it's up to you to decide whether or not you should forgive him, I hope you choose right" he said before giving me a small smile.

He walked inside and left me alone on the front porch. A light switched on at Matthew's house and it sorta made my mind up. Sighing, I walked down the pathway and across the road.

My boots mashed the green grass into the mud as I walked across his lawn. I climbed over the bushes that lined his pathway. With two deep breaths, I knocked on the front door.

Hearing the lock turn, I stepped back as the door opened. Orlando stood on the threshold, holding something in his hand. "Shelby, what a pleasant surprise" he said, actually very surprised.

"I'm here to see Matthew, is he available?" I asked, tilting my head.

"I don't know, he hasn't been out of his room since the Cafe" Orlando replied, his eyes studying my reaction.

I looked down. "Looks like important business, would you like to come in and talk to him?" Orlando asked, a smile on his face.

"May I?" I asked, stepping forward.

Orlando held the door open and gestured for me to come inside, I did. The house was still half unpacked but it didn't look any different, except for the furniture. It looked like an expensive modern house now with all the tech things.  "Forgive the mess, I'm unpacking" Orlando said.

I glanced at him. "He has his old room back" he added, pointing in the direction of the bedrooms.

"Thanks Orlando" I said, shooting him a smile.

"Go easy on him, he's just had his heart broken by the woman he loves" he added, peering at me.

I swallowed heavily and nodded. Walking towards the bedrooms, I glanced at the wall and saw a photo of Matt, the boys and I at band practice. He had framed it and put it exactly where everyone could see it. My palms began to get sweaty.

Stopping at his door, I took a deep breath before knocking. "Go away Orlando, I swear to god I will kill you" a muffled voice replied.

I didn't say anything, just knocked again. "What?" Matthew asked as he pulled open the door.

Our eyes met and Matt dropped his arm from the door. "What are you doing here?" He asked, wincing as he realised it sounded harsh.

I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. He raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Did Orlando let you in because I'm going to ki-" he was cut off when I leaned forward and kissed him.

My hands reached up to cup his cheeks and I kissed him with all the feelings I had in the past five months. His hands went to my waist, holding me gently. Moving forward, I pushed myself into his room, using my foot to close the door behind me.

On my birthday, I give you the present of another Chapter.

Development! Yay!
Unfortunately, Chapter 40 will be the last chapter.
Another book that will be completed.

Lots of love, Tavana xoxox
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