[29] Hurting In Hospitals

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Chapter 29

Lilliana's POV

I woke up on a field. But it's more like the clouds. Am I in heaven? Then, I saw someone familiar walking towards me.


"Dad? Is that u?" I said. The person smiled & continue walking to me. "Yes, my dear Lilliana. It me." He said. Tears were forming & I ran towards him. I hugged him & he returned it. He run his fingers through my hair. "Shh... Shh... Its okay, Lilly. I'm here. Please don't cry." He said. I nodded slowly. My tears were wetting his shirt.

I pulled away & wiped my tears. "Daddy, why r u here? Am I... Dead?" I asked. His eyes widen. "No! No! U r still alive. But more like in the middle. Look down, Lilliana." He said as he pointed down the clouds. I saw someone on a hospital bed with someone beside her. Then, I realized the girl on the bed was...


And the person beside me was...


What is Ashton doing there? "He's there waiting for u to wake up." I think I read my thoughts to loud as my dad answered me. My dad frowned. "Wake up? What do u mean, dad?" I asked. "U have been out for 3 weeks, Lilliana. He's been there every time, waiting for u to wake up." He explained.

Ashton is waiting for me to wake up?

I've been out for 3 weeks?

Then, it all came back to me...

Reece O'Connor.

He shot me.

Then, my dad turned me around. "Lilliana. Look at me." He said. I did what I was told & look at him in the eye. "U need to be strong, Lilly. That Ashton guy... He likes u. I can see it. He's not a bastard like Reece. He's a keeper. He's the right person that u should love." My dad smiled.

Ashton likes me?

He likes me?

He's not lying?

I can't believe it.

I hugged my dad. "Dad? What's going to happen to u?" I asked, sobbing. He tucked my hair behind my ear. "That doesn't matter. What matters is u must stay strong. For your mom, Lucas, your friends, Ashton & me. U must do it, Lilliana." I nodded instead of saying.

"I love u, Lilliana. And I always will. & u, my girl..." He tapped my nose. "... Have finally love the right person. Like I said before, love is something that is to be feel positively, not negatively." He smiled. I smiled too. But then, my dad started to fade. "Daddy?!" I said. "Remember Lilliana! Take care of your mom & Lucas for me! Be strong!" He said as he slowly faded.

"DAD!" I yelled on top of my lungs.

"Remember Lilliana! Remember..." He chanted before he faded fully.

"DADDY!" I screamed again before darkness takes over me.

Ashton's POV

"QUICK!" I heard a doctor yelled as I walked towards Lilliana's room after a bathroom break. "What the hell is going on?" I asked myself. I looked at the doctors & nurses. They were running towards... Lilliana's room?! What the fuck?! I stopped a doctor who is running. "Doc, what happened to Lilliana?" The doctor sighed. "Her heartbeat is quicker than normal." He said as he ran towards her room.

Her heartbeat is quicker than normal?

I quickly ran with the doctors. Two nurses blocked my way to go inside her room. "LET ME IN!" I yelled. They both didn't let me through. "Please sir. Just calm down & sit. The doctors r trying their best to solve the problem." One of the nurse said, trying to calm me down. But being the stubborn I am, I didn't do what I was told.

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