[34] Lightning Run Championships 2014

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Chapter 34

Lilliana's POV

From: The BFF That Has Blue Hair

Omg! OMg! OMG! Did u hear the news? The Spring Formal is in a month! OH MY GOD! Did Ashton asked u? Bc Wayne asked me & I was like 'Of course I'd say yes, dimwit!'. Kylie got asked by Jackson. She said yes, obviously. The others... Idk. Ttyl mom needs me xox

To: The BFF That Has Blue Hair

YEAH! I heard it from some bimbo. Ashton didn't ask me anything about it so nope. He didn't ask me :( Maybe he would but not now. Or maybe he already asked a bitch. But hey, I can't say anything. His not mine bc we aren't gf & bf. We r just dating. K, I'll ttyl xx

I placed my phone on the nightstand. Everyone is talking about the Spring Formal. They said it will be epic but I don't know if it's true or not. Ashton, well he didn't asked me even though we had like 5 classes together after the announcement was made at school in the cafeteria.

I laid at my bed & stared at the plain ceiling while my mind asks a lot of question.

But only one question stands out.

Who is Ashton going to go with to the Spring Formal?

I need some rest after the last practice I have with Lucas today. Tomorrow is his championship. Ashton said he wants to go. Everyone wants to go & support Lucas too. After all the thinking, darkness took over me.


"Wake up, Ashton."


"Wakey, wakey! Eggs & bakey! C'mon, wake up Prince Ass!"

Still nothing.


He jerked up his head & started shaking his head. "Who? What? Where? Huh?" He asked like he was lost. I clutched my stomach & laughed. "Your face... Was priceless!" I stated. He gave me a death glare. "What the hell do u want, Lilliana?" He asked. I want u to ask me to the Spring Formal. "U promised that u will go to the championships to support Lucas." I stated.

"Oh yeah..." He said while rubbing his fake beard & stared at the ceiling. I took this chance to check him out. He was shirtless. I can't believe I didn't notice that. He was just wearing his boxers. Nothing more. I could see his six pack. His hair was sticking out everywhere. He looks so hot.

Damn these teenage hormones...

"Take a pic, princess. It last longer." He smirked as I snapped out of my glance. "C'mon. Get ready, we r going in 10 minutes." I stated, trying to change the subject. He tsked. "Little Lilliana wants to change the subject because she's embarrassed for checking me out." He said while walking towards his bathroom.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Ashton." I said. I heard the shower open. I decided to go downstairs to wait for him. "Good morning, Lilliana." I heard someone greet me. I turned my head & saw Mr Spencer standing there while doing his tie. "Morning, Mr Spencer." He narrowed his eyes. "Please, call me David." I nodded.

"Okay, David." I said as I walk down the stairs.

"U know Lilliana, Ashton changed a lot since u came into his life." He stated.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do u mean, Mr- David?" I asked.

"He... Well, he become more responsible & he sometimes come to my office & asked about girls. I mean, who does that if they r not in love?" I shrugged. We were already on the bottom of the stairs.

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