22 - What We Must Do For Each Other

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Morning arrives after a night that seemed to last forever.

Really, you'd think that you could limit the number of poisonings at a party to either one mass poisoning or one single poisoning... at least do better than 4 separate poisoning events. Security is too lax here, is the conclusion I've drawn, either that or there's way too much poison around here.

Well, I expect another attempt today. The target of course, is going to be me.

I'm tired. I feel like I might snap. Ameline even ended up screaming when she saw me after the incident yesterday too since my night gown was red with blood...

Breakfast is served in the garden, due to good weather. Honestly, it was like last night hadn't even happened in the mind of the Salenders, but at least it's fresh air.

I get down there with Eric as some of the first people in the garden. After the assassination attempt Eric has been sticking around quite closely. He doesn't seem to know what to say, but he looks a bit worried.

The only ones in the garden before us were the crown prince and the Salenders themselves along with the servants setting the tables. Most of the adults had yet to wake up apparently. Well, that is to be expected. I mean, both my parents and Lionel's father had to get up from bed and deal with the whole assassination attempt.

After properly greeting Alstair and giving a polite curtsy, Alstair gives a small frown as he looks over me.

"Are you okay, Lily-chan?"

Alstair voices out with worry, though I couldn't tell if it was sincere or not.

"Yes, your highness. There are no complications of the incident yesterday. Thank you for your concern."

My answer was polite, but I also tried to brush him off. I don't want to talk about the incident, and I'm a bit too tired to deal with him.

Alstair presses his lips together for a moment, but doesn't press whatever issue he found with my words.

Alstair's calculative personality was a bit too much to deal with on top of Gilbert's killer instincts. That and... well, there was the whole dance event yesterday where he 'was kind'? Well, telling me not to mind the eyes of others was indeed kind, but I'll decline kindness from you, prince Alstair.

Alstair gives a nod to accept my words.

"I see. Good."

He then moves and then finds his seat near the end of the table.

I glance down the long table and decide to pick a spot as far away from Alstair as possible.

As soon as I sit down the maids pour my first cup of tea immediately. Thankfully it doesn't smell weird, and upon tasting it doesn't taste weird. Safe to drink.

"Lily-chan! Good Morning!" A bright voice calls my name from behind me and a small figure flies into my back with a 'thump'. If not for the voice I would've smacked the person, but it's Curtis, the youngest of Lionel's brothers. He grins up at me with a disarming smile... at this rate he could grow up to be a charmer. How frightening. He easily slips up on the chair next to me and claims the spot without a moment of hesitance while Reynold sits down next to Curtis like a good responsible boy and sends me a smile as well.

"Good morning," he adds more reservedly.

...I thought this last night as well... but shouldn't you two be terrified of me? I killed someone in front of you, you know... Apparently protecting them earned me their goodwill... Well, I'm not complaining. They're better company than Gilbert any day.

The Villainess Will Not Bring Dishonor To Her FamilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon