135 - Informing House Stanbell

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Landon Mercer Galloyer, King of Semor's Point Of View

My name was Yuno. It was written with the kanji for courage and cavalry. I studied history and preferred studying war, though mostly European history. As such, I'd studied abroad for a year before returning to Japan.

Almost immediately after returning to Japan I was confessed to. Over the next couple of years we got close and ended up moving in together. On Tuesdays I'd go over to some friends and play some pen and paper and everything was fine other than my girlfriend being quite specific about when I had to be home every day, but you know, everyone has flaws. Still, as long as she knew where I was she usually had no problem with it. She usually wanted a call if I went out to drink with my friends, but it wasn't too extreme I thought. I should've taken more notice of how she had waited anxiously at the door when I came home a bit late or how she always insisted to go together with me even for small things when she wanted to do something else.

My girlfriend would quite often end up playing otome games, and Doki Doki Flower Academy was one of them. Sometimes I'd sit down next to her with a good book while she was playing, so I got the main parts of the story.

Still, my girlfriend had a lot of problems with the game. Especially the heroine. Perhaps not just this heroine. She always complained that the heroines in those games were too naive and dumb and that all the capture targets should have chosen a better woman. This was nothing new.

Personally I didn't mind. The heroine was naive and innocent, but she was practically surrounded by capture targets that wanted exactly that. As long as all parts were happy wasn't that all that was needed? I think I said that out loud at one point too, and thinking back maybe she'd been looking for validation from me. I guess I personally preferred someone cute too. That said, my girlfriend may be looking down on those heroines, but she was quite naive herself. She was cute too. Still, her controlling behavior was a getting a bit much for me at that point. I wish I'd brought it up earlier, but I doubt it would have helped.


One Tuesday evening when I was heading home from playing with my friends and I was heading to the train station I found a young woman dragging multiple bags along the street. There was more than she could carry, though I'd say she did quite well for how small she was. She must've been surprisingly stubborn. A few of her bags quite clearly contained mountain vegetables, so I assumed she'd been home for the holidays. I knew my girlfriend would be angry that I came home late, but there weren't really others around and the girl was visibly struggling, so I ended up offering to help her a bit of the way.

The girl I helped, which name was Yuriko had indeed been visiting her family which lived in the mountains. We talked about this and that as we left the train station. It took a bit longer as we had to find a way around the taped off stairs from the train platform. Apparently Yuriko lived pretty close to my girlfriend and I, so I helped her most of the way back home until we were interrupted.

My girlfriend had gotten nervous after I sent her a message that I would be late, and decided to go search for me. When she saw me with Yuriko she... changed... she'd started accusing me of cheating on her, saying how I loved cuter girls than her. Of course I tried to calm her down and told her what happened... but she didn't listen. The last thing I remember is her hobby knife clicking open to the feeling of pain in my stomach... and my girlfriend chasing down Yuriko and killing her.

...and thus I ended up in this situation as a prince leading a rebellion and ending up as king... now trying to deal with a powerful corrupt country.


I don't know if Satoshi's idea will actually work. Though, since Jacques seems to be fond of the idea as well it should have... some effect...

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