93 - Lions and Shadows

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Rudder's Point Of View

Mike is a childhood friend. Both of our fathers were former squires that never got knighted and started up business instead. In an attempt to pass the gap between commoners and nobles they pressed both of us into this life.

Mike usually does fine, but he tends to hold things in for a while until he bursts out in a fiery rage... as he did with Darius.

I can't really scold him for losing his mind about Darius though. It's uncomfortable to know we count as being a man down and that Darius will be unable to defend himself in the mass battles. We will have to give our life to protect him because he insists on using weapons unsuited for the battlefield...

I want to return home alive... if I must, I will give my life for this cause. It is what I signed up for. However, I want to return to Erica as well and wrap my arms around her. My memories of her soft scent and her shimmering wheat golden hair flickers through my memories at night together with her giggle...

The thought of risking that on someone not facing his station is... bitter...

Marie would probably cry for days if Mike didn't return home... she's usually so lively and pranks Mike as much as he does her... she's a girl I cannot imagine cry, and yet I know she would sob uncontrollably. I already made my choice when it comes to Mike. He hasn't realized Marie's feelings yet, but those two belong together. She'll make sure he behaves, even when he gets drunk.

...but I'm not sure I would do the same for Darius right now.

Thoughts like that pass through my mind as I watch the two of them go through Felix's training. We've finished setting everything up for the night, and have a few of hours before it's time to call it a night.

Peony hasn't returned yet, I think. Peony just barely follows rules, but he doesn't seem to get the intention behind them. I don't really know if he doesn't understand, or he doesn't care, but I am not looking forward to fighting together with him. Mike and I both had to join in on the little rescue attempt when Peony jumped the snake, and my ribs still remember the result. I am not doing that again though since Peony doesn't care.

I don't think I can reconcile with Peony. He rubs me the wrong way. If he doesn't care then I won't either. He's one of those people you pour lots of positive energy into and then they leave without a word. Darius on the other hand I think I could get along with if he took his job seriously. He's usually fine to be around, he just doesn't really seem to belong here.

I'm sure both Mike and Darius could get along if the situation was different.

I glance up to see Felix approach with the village elder. She... looks more aware now,  but still quite happy and pleased with watching Mike and Darius suffer through their punishment...

I glance to Asher and Vitis that are watching over the two hot blooded guys and then turn my attention back to the old woman that walks up to us and looks over the boys.

"Young man, do you perhaps know where that young woman went?"

I remind myself that her insight was unexpected. This old woman accepted that the Lady was a woman even before they were introduced, even though the lady is dressed like a man.

Still, Felix knows this...

Felix is looking away to the side awkwardly. In other words, he doesn't want to be a part of it? If the lady turns her bite at the old woman, then neither Felix or the old woman will return in a healthy state...

"Celeste-sama is resting."

The old woman raises both of her eyebrows.

"That is quite early. I would like to talk with her properly though," she says, as if she expects us to walk into the Lady's den and wake her up.

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