35 - Siege on Celeste Castle - Part 3

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By the time we got to the wall it was already covered in screams of war. Personally I wanted a better look at the situation, and a knowledge of how they siege castles. Of course we went there to raise the morale of the men. Of course, at this point there was something crucial that I missed.

From the tops of the wall flew down a large scruffy figure, panting and flicking his head from side to side. The Zocrian soldier's eyes locked onto us, and charged in while drunk on adrenaline. Why do you suppose he charged at two kids? Because Eric had drawn his short-sword, and we clearly looked like nobles.

Perhaps the soldier decided to take the unarmed one first, or perhaps he just took the one that was closest, but he went right at me... now... I haven't really told you this yet, but I am not good at dodging and I cannot parry right now.

I slide into a fully defensive stance and with a deep breath prepare for the strike. Unsurprisingly it comes from above. You guys really should use more strike variations. As it comes down I step in closer to him and with a light hit to his hand, change the direction of the blade in one direction, while I let my back foot slide the other way, twisting me out of the direction of the sword. Having used up my luck for now I reconsider visiting the frontlines for a while.

The soldier screams out as Eric slashes the man's side. It isn't lethal since Eric is no stronger than a usual kid, and he didn't hit anything vital... but he took the man's attention in an instant. I was too hard to catch to be worth the damage.

I gasp the man's sword arm and let my eyes meet Eric's... but his eyes are watering, and he's heaving. He's locked up in his mind. "Eric! Move!" I scream at him with all of the air I can muster, before feeling the man move. He's surprisingly strong despite my restriction, as he lifts his sword at Eric... but with his sword raised he finally seems to realize that I'm not able to dodge right now.

He swings his sword, and in that moment Eric moves, forcing his sword into the soldier's throat to avoid the chain mail... and blood splatters out over us violently, spray painting the area the soldier was facing.

The man slumps down on the ground, and I let him fall as I let my eyes lock onto Eric. His skin is pale as death, and it looks glossy with cold sweat. He's quivering life a leaf... he's worse off than Asher the baker son was... in multiple ways. Asher idolized me, so my words gave his mind ease... Eric didn't idolize me the same way.

I glance up to the front line, relieved that this hadn't happened up there, or Eric's fear would have affected them.

"He... has a handkerchief around his wrist... like me..."

Tears rolled down Eric's cheeks as he fell back, terrified with what he had just done.

I looked down to the enemy soldier. The man's once smoothed back bangs had been thrown out of order, and his rugged face was stiff with fear... and tears lingered in the corners of his eyes from his last thoughts. Likely of the lady who had given him the ribbon.

"Yes. Judging by his age it may be his wife or a very young daughter. He probably has a letter or another token of affection in his chest pocket."

I watched Eric quietly. This was Eric's first kill, and he was overlapping himself with this man. He had realized that the man was not an enemy, but a human.

The culture of the clan in Rei's life, and this culture was different. Rei's clan was made and bred for the art of war. As such the way for dealing with the horror Eric felt was not one that would work on him. A pat on the shoulder and 'I remember my first one too!' Just wouldn't do here... Eric wasn't prepared for the reality he was facing. Father likely hadn't talked with him about it either.

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