54 - Scars and Truths - Part 2

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Magdalin's Point of View

Lily-sama is the type to scrub her skin rather aggressively, enough to make it flame red as well. Despite all of that she only uses her one bucket of water, and doesn't want anyone to wash her back.

Lily-sama does prefer doing most things on her own, after all. To the point I am sure she could survive in the wild if she needed. Indeed... I have watched Lily-sama cook once. It was hardly impressive, but it was filling.

I think Lily-sama took some extra time washing off today while we waited for Claire Talwen, the so called Heroine... I admit, she is as pretty as a heroine should be... and I suppose she is really cute as well, but I still prefer Lily-sama. Even though she really fits the role of a hero instead... or a villain... She is an odd mix of both. A villain to the nobles, and a hero to her people. Though, perhaps that is really the nature of most villains? After all, why else would their people follow them against the hero?

Still, Lionel-sama is the true villain.

You may wonder why I wanted the view of his bare chest, when I consider him a danger to Lily-sama... but this is this and that is that.

The voice of Helena Fox reaches through the door to the dressing room, and with that Lily-sama finally moves from her spot to the bath. As I remember, then the so called Heroine Claire might get suspicious if she sees Lily-sama's scars, so Lily-sama likely won't get out of the bath until Claire leaves. Until then we enjoy and endure.

I get up as well and cross my arms under my double-A chest to cover my hands under my arms and go to the bath. As expected Lily-sama draws all the attention as well as she steps into the hot water without even flinching. In fact... she looks incredibly pleased and let out a soft happy breath. She may try to hide her expressions, but if you look closely then they're quite clear.

The door from the bath room opens after a few moments, and from it Helena Fox's horrible voice speaks out words I will not forgive her for.

Lily's Point of View

It didn't take long for our beloved Heroine and her companion to finish scrubbing clean, and for that I was thankful. I would probably be fine, but little Magdalin probably wouldn't be able to stay in the bath long enough for them to leave. All in all the plan was simple. Just don't attract their attention until they leave, then follow them out, always one step behind. That was the plan.

"Claire-chan, I heard Lady Lily made you cry today."


"E-eh... ah... uhm... a bit... but she was just telling me the truth..." Our beloved heroine responded vaguely.

"That's not true, is it, I heard you cried for a long time!" Helena protested with the door half open and looking back at the Heroine. Helena stepped away from the door and back into the shower room.

"H-How dare you word it like that!" Magdalin popped out of the water, ignorant to the scars she usually hid and burst towards the shower room and slammed the door open while facing Helena in a cat fight.

"Haaah?! That's the truth though, isn't it?! Besides, Lady Lily didn't even answer her question and probably said that instead just to make her cry!" Helena accused me further. Doubtlessly triggering Magdalin's anger further. Still, this was the first time I'd seen Magdalin fly into a fit of anger. It was fascinating on its own.

"Lady Lily would never do such a thing! If anyone here is cruel it is Claire for making it look like Lily-sama did something mean!"

I knew Helena's position in the other room just by following Magdalin's point of view. Magdalin was puffed up like an angry kitten... if the subject had been less serious for me I would've praised her for being cute.

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