126 - Headal's Second Part

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Crown Prince of Headal Jacques' Point Of View

Once every few years we invite the other countries over for a banquet... except Ristaze. They're banned. People roll over and die a few weeks later whenever Ristaze is concerned. While we respect House Tepet enough to invite them, most of their servant staff is Salender spies. Our own infiltrators guarantee it.

...back to the story. I had just turned thirteen, and Jesmaine was twelve at the point. With me being taught by long lines of ghosts hoping for their chance to interact, five bodyguard ghosts and three actual bodyguards, I was extremely aware of my own role and my duties for the future. Just as Alstair, I was a mature kid, though for slightly different reasons. Jesmaine was clearly acting like a young woman herself, so in the eyes of the people around us we made a sweet and mature couple.

We got a lot of attention as the party started, and the Queen and Princess of Crinia were the first to introduce themselves to us right as the introductions began. I knew in an instant that the queen looked down on herself. That is how weak and frail her soul looked compared to her outer self. The reason was... and likely still is her 'daughter'.

Her 'daughter' smiled at us brightly and curiously at me as if she was expecting a reaction... most know about the ability to see the soul, so Crinia's Princess was aware that I could see her soul and that I would know immediately that something was off. She had the soul of a man inside...

Wild sea green hair that stands up like a chicken's comb and the sides of the head having just stubbles of hair. Slender and yet... baggy clothes where the shirt... or coat... had a hood to stop the rain. Lively and proud eyes with a mocking grin as if to say he was the most powerful thing in this world.

...the clothing style and fabric type was similar to Jesmaine's, so I knew immediately that the two of them came from the same place... though Jesmaine's sweet braids and soft cream colored knit shirt was in no way comparable to the thing that appeared before me. I instinctively didn't want them to meet.

Catarina's greeting was flawless, but the eyes she gave me as I couldn't hide my disturbed look was enough to make her latch onto me. I ended up shooing Jesmaine off to prevent the two from talking. No, to prevent Catarina from talking with her. To my frustration, Catarina was immediately fascinated with Jesmaine and gave her a longing glance. A guy gave my fiancé a longing glance. He may be in the body of a woman, but his mind and memories is that of a man.

In addition, my guess is that Catarina was already technically leading the country, because her... his mother kept glancing to him for signs of what to do next, and it would explain her lack of confidence.

Usually, we do not get along with Crinia, and it comes back to why Crinia is considered a tyranny. Their wages and stipends for government controlled positions is not only forced, but has a wage so low you need both the man and woman to work. Not only that, but they conscript both men and women in their armies. Thus why Catarina wore an armor to the meeting.

The problem is that these women are forced into something that should solely be for men. In wars and skirmishes these women are violated if defeated in detail... and it wouldn't surprise me if their own soldiers end up putting hand on them as well.

The trouble began when the crown prince of Semor introduced himself. At this point he had just won the civil war and disposed of his father, but as you may have guessed since he was invited, we had been on his side. Semor is generally quiet and usually struggle enough in dealing with their dry tundra to prevent them from going to war or cause political scandals.

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