38 - A Hero and Their Lord

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Guard Captain Gerald Whitebourough's Point Of View

It's been a couple of weeks since that final battle. We've cleaned up any remainders trying to hide away or attack nearby villages, and we are still waiting for Lady Lily's return.

According to the reports given she went into a blood filled rage when she found out a woman had been violated, and prisoners killed. Considering the news of what happened after, and the trails of bodies she leave behind... I am happy we are the defensive army. I am left with no doubt she would have done the same to people in her own army, and perhaps because of that, the soldiers seem more well behaved than usual.

The young lady has gotten a rather terrifying reputation in very short time. Still, it is worrying she has not returned.

We sent a troop after her unit about a week ago when she didn't return, but we haven't heard anything since then.

I glance to one of the young uns riding towards me in a hurry, but there is no fear in his eyes, only joy. I feel weight lift off my shoulders at his expression, and the words he speaks sends ripples through the people standing nearby.

"Augustus-sama has returned with the rest of his troop! All of them! They'll arrive tomorrow around sunset!"

He nearly trembles with excitement at bringing these news, and mixed cheers rise to the air behind me.

"Hurry up and deliver the news to the castle," I rush him off. He'd been so happy he just wanted to report it to everyone he met along the road.

The villagers shine as they excitedly discuss how to greet 'Augustus', but they aren't the only ones. The soldiers and guards are teeming with excitement as well, whispering and conspiring, and in the crowd soft hums escape them as they walk about merrily.


The young Lady arrived as predicted by sunset the next day, and by the castle gate stood every single person from the village, and even some from other nearby villages that had family here. The air buzzed with excitement as the Lady with Al, Tony and Whiskers behind her rode up the path in a light but elegant gallop, only slowing down once they reached the beginning of the crowd, and a crowd it was.

Colors were everywhere, the most brilliant dresses had been pulled out of the drawers, the one and only set of nice clothes for the men as well, and along with all the colorful clothes were bundles of flowers, so as the lady arrived in the crowd she was met with a roar of cheers and a rain of flowers. In the rain of flowers, and with the warm sunshine on a cloudless day she seemed to shimmer as a hero of a fairy tale.

She slowed down at the impact of the situation, likely a bit overwhelmed at the reception. She gave them a smile in return and continued on, for at the castle gate stood young Eric-sama.

Many would likely haven't thought of the importance of what was happening... but it was a terrible situation if handled improperly. Lily was impersonating a younger brother, thus, a rival. In the current situation Eric who should have been the heir for the position of Lord, could end up having his position taken away by the much more skilled younger brother, which had just routed and eliminated the first invaders in two decades, and with odds that were nothing less than terrible. Those who believed that Lily was indeed a boy could, without knowing, end up giving their loyalty to Lily instead of Eric, though Eric was their future lord.

Lily dismounted elegantly and walked the final short way to Eric, and the voices quieted as Eric raised his hand.

I was worried for the young Eric. If he couldn't stand out against Lily, but ended up in her shadow, then it would hinder his path as a Lord. Furthermore, she had swept the loyalty of the citizens and the common man within a few days, something which should have belonged to Eric, at least so it should. If Eric took up a grudge for this, then the young Lady would be in trouble... but my worries would prove to be unfounded...

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