138 - Loyalist

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William Aerielle's Point Of View

I cannot believe Soleil would humiliate me publicly like that! Who is unsuited for the role of future prime minister?!

No, he's always been arrogant and looked down on people, but for him to look at me like that! Like I was an ignorant fool. You pompous, arrogant peacock! If you weren't so rich I'd put you in trouble for this! The ignorant one here is you!

I know I made a mistake and acted rashly, but there's no need to humiliate others in such an arrogant way. That attitude is what makes people hate you.

Even so, why is Lily the only one of us he doesn't act like a snob towards?! Why does he have more respect for her than me. Other than insulting people she's good for nothing. She's cold, doesn't smile, can't embroider, doesn't sing, doesn't sew, doesn't cook, doesn't make anyone smile and by god, she is cruel too!

Is it really only because both of you are so arrogant that you speak the same language?

Even Lionel seemed like he'd realized this and was steering clear of her, so why would you even try to support her, Soleil? Didn't you like Claire just like me? Did you give up on her?... or... are you trying to make Lily Alstair's wife so that she can be yours?

That would make sense.

No, I'd never let Claire end up with someone like Soleil. It would be bad for her. Being with Soleil would make her suffer. She deserves better. Alstair is better. I cannot take her hand, so she can only be by Alstair's side. It is the only place where she can remain innocent and pure.


I've spent a couple of days checking up on House Celeste's finances. It took a bit of convincing to make my father let me see some of the more recent finances, but he gave in more easily when I said I just wanted to find proof of House Celeste's innocence.

The papers I ended up looking through isn't the entirety of House Celeste's economy, but it quite clearly states all their regular sources of income, as this is what we are taxing. I dug through years of these to find irregularities, that is, places where inflation doesn't fit the expected and calculated cost, or places where market fluctuations doesn't properly affect the number.

In a moment of spite I checked house Listere's too... however, when I went to return the papers I found someone unexpected reading quietly in the archives.

"Soleil? How unexpected seeing you here. What are you doing?"

He's not wearing his uniform, so he's wearing that white suit with gold embroidery. Loaded peacock. Don't you have better things to spend money on?

What is he doing here anyway?

Soleil looks up from the papers after a moment. His eyes narrow, and for a moment he raises his chin a bit to look down at me as... he always does, especially when he is in a bad mood. Then without a word he ignores me and looks back to the papers in his hands.

It's old employment records for house Listere.

"Wh-" I'm about to scold him for ignoring me and even help him out if needed, but all I'm met with is:

"It is personal business. Please, keep your nose out of it, William."

...he doesn't look me in the eyes. He doesn't greet me. He even moves a bit to turn his body away from me to end the conversation like that.

His 'please' is but a false pretense of politeness. A pretense that sadly not only reason he can get away with being a snob and in the end, hypocrite. I hold in a huff and decide that throwing a spiteful line back is appropriate.

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