My badass party 1.4 (regret)

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He was definately confused, I could sense it but in the dark, my eyes focused on Simon's face, thus I couldn't see him. For a sec he stood there like a rock then humbled something and left. 

- Can I ask you something?
I turned to Kazimier nervously, he was cleaning the dishes.
- Yeah, what is it?
- What happened after you know we... Simon and me... so?
- After you were making out? Well you appeared at the bar, drank an insane amount of whisky. - he laughed.-  You really are a party girl, just as I thought so.
- Ah, sorry. And the...the recording?
- Right! About that, the others told me that probably you were under the weather but I thought Simon got your back. Turned out otherwise. That stupid brat... so Rebecca, one of the girls took us home.
Oh as soon as he mentioned Rebecca it suddenly came back.
- When I found you you were talking to your phone, recording your voice and that was the time I said we're officially going home. But it was harder then I thought.
Yeah well, I finally remember all of it.

I got totally insecure when he appeared out of nowhere.
- Kaz... - I turned to him. - you don't want to see me! Don't come here! Kaz! Leave me alone!
I tried to hide my face, and as I was stepping backwards I slipped on something and popped to the ground. I heard a little laughter from the distnace, probably Rebecca.
- Why wouldn't I want to see you?
- Because I wanted to... I can't say that.
- Why?
- Because of what I am.
- What are you?
- I can't say that. I can't.
- Do you know actually what are you? Drunk.
- True.
He leaned closer, offered his hand but I didn't take it instead I...hugged him? Yeah. Awkward. I even sniffed his coat.
- What are you doing, Hannah?
- I don't know. It's just feels good.
-Ookay. Get up little girl! We need to get home.
He managed to pull me up but still had to grab me tight unless I would have fallen back on my knees.
- She's gonna pass out, isn't she? - rebecca asked.
- Oh, I hope so! - Kazimier laughed and I couldn't care less. I felt his arms around me, his protecting manner. I was safe.

- Okay. I'm really sorry for the trouble. I must have been...
- No, Hannah. Don't come up with this again. But are we cool now?
- I don't understand. Why wouldn't we?
- I thought I scared you. When we were dancing, you suddenly left with a horrified expression. Did I do something? Did I hurt you?

That word.
I, not him but I was the only one who wanted him to hurt. That desire. The worst is that I still feel the need of it somewhere deep inside.
I am the one to blame.
I am wrong, why can't you see?

- Of course not, Kazimier! It wasn't at all like that! It's a misunderstanding.
- Then why did you leave?
Silence fell upon us. I was hesitating while he was waiting for me.
- I'm sorry. - I said and left him again. Probably hurt him again. Oh my... How can I make this right?

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