Bad news for the first time

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2018. April 9.

My nightmare last night reminded me of the worrying circumstanses of our first kiss. But I think nobody can judge me if I say, I just wanted to forget for a moment whatever awaits me and sink in the present with all the pleasure I can get from it.

Altough we really wanted to take it slow, because it's an entirely new situation and if we mess this up will get awkward real soon. We couldn't manage to give space to each other. Like at all.
I've never thought love could be this intense. I've never thought the dreams, books, and movies were actually right about how amazing this feeling is. Being loved.

As for losing love or loved ones, I thought I was use to it. And oh boy! I have to learn sometime that emotions don't work like that.
I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to tell some bad news, as a dead person I wanted to tell that my life is in danger, and I wouldn't know that a phonecall could make this all pointless.

At first I wanted to adress the issue of the vampire who threatend me and killed my family to Max and I was hoping for some kind of protection. Then I changed my mind, and decided to call Priest Joseph. I didn't want him to worry about me but at the same time it felt the right thing to do.

Anyway, when I heard him say:
- Hannah, my dear child! How is it going? Everything alright? - I knew immediately from his tone that there's something wrong.
- Well, yeah. More or less. - I replied and cursed myself that I lied straightaway.
- It's so good to hear. So good. But here, darling, not the best it could be. Please, don't be too hard on me, I wanted to call you earlier but know, I got in the hospital.
- Hospital?
- Yes, a nice, cozy hospital. The food is excellent if you wonder.
- Sure! - I said and smiled even but fear rushed through me again. - But what's the problem? Was there-was there an accident?
- No, no accidents. It's a...I've known this for a while actually. Please, forgive me, Hannah, for being so selfish.
- Just tell me, what is it? - demanded almost choking on my words.
- I have cancer. - he waited for me to speak but I couldn't. - The doctors say I have six months left or so. But try to understand I was worried if I tell you, you would never go and start your own life. You've been through so much already, I couldn't stand if... You don't deserve to watch an old man die.

I think that's when I started crying. My brain wasn't able to fully process what I heard. The only thing I knew that I was sad and I wanted to see him so much it hurt.
- Can I- can I come to visit you? - I whispered.
- Anytime you want, my child.
- Thank you. - I said. He didn't hang up until I calmed down a bit. He's the best man I'll ever know and I'm going to lose him.
At that moment I felt, I would do anything to save him.

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