6 | Quidditch World Cup

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''Blimey, Dad, how far up are we?'' Ron panted, coming to a short halt at the stairs. The group's been climbing stairs for quite a while now, it was natural that all of them were tired.

''Let me put it this way – if it rains, you'll be the first to know,'' Mr. Weasley answered, then looked down. Y/n followed his gaze, as did all other Weasleys and Harry and Hermione. There stood none other than Draco Malfoy, along with his father, Lucius Malfoy.

''We've got a Ministry invitation,'' Draco started, as if someone had asked him. ''By Cornelius Fudge himself!''

''No one cares!'' Y/n called back, causing Draco to glare at her. She didn't fear him – to her, he was simply a spoiled brat who thought he was better than everyone else.

''Don't boast, Draco,'' Mr. Malfoy spoke as he hit Draco in the stomach with his cane, then sending a cold glare towards Y/n as well. ''There's no need with these people.'' He scanned through the whole group, though throwing a few more glares at Y/n and Hermione, knowing they're muggleborns.

Harry and Fred started directing the two girls away, but metal hitting metal was heard and everyone turned to look at Mr. Malfoy's cane, which was now trapping Harry's sleeve to the railing. ''Do enjoy yourselves,'' he said, giving a neutral, though somewhat amused look. ''While you still can.''

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as Fred and George pulled her along, Malfoy's words still echoing in her head. Enjoy yourselves while you still can. She had a really bad feeling about this.

''You okay?'' Fred asked when he noticed Y/n's discomfort.

''I just feel like something's going to happen tonight,'' Y/n confessed. ''Something bad.''

''You shouldn't take Malfoy so seriously, he's trying to get to your head!'' George exclaimed.

''Yeah, besides, if something were to happen, I'd protect you,'' Fred tried to reassure her. Her heart leaped slightly.

She laughed, trying to mask her feelings. ''Well, now I feel safer!'' She mocked, causing Fred to gasp slightly at her not taking his seriously. ''Thanks, though. I appreciate it.''

It took a while, but they finally made it to their seats in the top box. Y/n sat down with Hermione on her left and Fred on her right. She watched the advertisements on the scoreboard, listening in and occasionally adding to Fred and George's conversation.

The match started with the mascots. First were the Bulgarian mascots, which were beautiful Veela girls. They seemed to woo the boys, seeing as George was flexing his muscles and Harry and Ron almost jumped off the top box. Fred wasn't doing anything aside from simply staring at them. Was he not as affected by them? Y/n and Hermione shared exasperated looks.

''And now, please welcome the teams!'' the commentator spoke after the Irish leprechaun disappeared. ''First, the Bulgarians! Volkov! Vulchanov! Ivanova! Dimitrov! Levski! Zograv! Aaaaaaand . . . Krum!''

Y/n cheered along with everyone else as the scarlet-clad Bulgarian team flew on the stadium. They did a lap around the stadium and Y/n could hear Harry and Ron's voices gushing over him.

''And now, the Irish! Connolly! Quigley! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Aaaaaaand . . . Lynch!''

The crowd erupted in cheers again as the Irish made a lap around the stadium as well. The game was heated, with Ireland being several points ahead of Bulgaria. The match ended with Krum catching the snitch, but the score was 160 to 170 for Ireland, which crowned them the victors.

''You won the bet!'' Y/n exclaimed when it finally hit her, turning to look at the twins.

''We know!'' the two yelled happily. They wouldn't stop cheering about it on the way to the tent, which amused Mr. Weasley.

''Just don't tell your mother you've been gambling,'' the father shook his head.

''Oh, we won't. We have big plans for the money, we don't want it confiscated.''

The three girls were sat on the couch, observing as Ron danced around and praised Krum, while Harry and the twins were saying he was in love with the Bulgarian seeker.

Loud fireworks came from outside, causing everyone to look towards the entrance of the tent. ''Man, the Irish are celebrating hard,'' Fred commented.

''Stop, stop! It's not the Irish!'' Mr. Weasley barged into the tent, worry painting his face. His words were followed by a blood curling scream, which caused everyone to stiffen. ''Bill, Charlie, Percy, follow me, we have to help. The rest – go and hide somewhere. Come back only when you think it's safe. Fred, George, Ginny's your responsibility.'' With that the four took off, leaving the underage wizards on their own.

''C'mon,'' Fred spoke and led everyone outside.

It was chaos. You could see fire from where they stood and screams were heard from every direction. Fred grabbed Y/n's hand and turned towards the group, telling them to follow him. They ran into the woods. When Y/n looked back to check if everyone was following, she noticed something that made her blood turn cold.



''Ron, Harry and Hermione are gone!''

Fred came to a sudden halt, causing Y/n to bump in his back. The older twin looked behind them and noted that it was just the four of them – the three fourteen years olds are missing. ''Crap.'' Fred hesitated for a second before turning around and continuing to walk. ''They'll be fine. They know what to do.''

The screams could still be heard, even in the woods, though they were quieter. There were footsteps, sounding like people running away as well. They stopped when they deemed they were deep enough in the woods, trying to catch their breaths.

''Look what we have here,'' the group heard and turned, seeing a masked man emerge from behind a tree, pointing his wand at them. ''Four kids wandering around the woods so late. Where're your parents?''

The twins pushed Y/n and Ginny behind themselves. George took his wand out of his pocket, while Fred still fished for his. ''Damn it, I forgot my wand,'' he whispered upon the realization.

''Here,'' Y/n spoke as she took her own wand out of the waistband of her pants and handing it to Fred, who thanked her and kept it hidden in between them.

''Answer the question,'' the man practically growled.

''Right behind you,'' George said and the man turned around in fright.

Fred raised Y/n's wand and pointed it at the Death Eater. ''Stupefy!'' he called and froze the man, then beckoned the other three to continue running, still clutching Y/n's wand in his hand, just in case.

''Fred! You're not allowed to use such magic outside of school!'' Y/n reminded the taller boy as they ran. ''What if they expel you?''

''I don't care if I get expelled,'' Fred reassured. ''Besides, there're too many people here. They'll never know it was me.''

They came to a stop again, sitting against a tree, both Fred and George having their wands at the ready. Ginny was sat in-between the twins, whilst Y/n sat next to Fred, who wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. Only when screams couldn't be heard anymore did they decide it was safe to go back and started to slowly make their way towards the tent.

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