32 | The Attack on Mr Weasley

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''We're not doing anything new?" Zacharias Smith asked. ''If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come.''

''We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you, then,'' said Fred loudly, rolling his eyes. ''Git.'' he mumbled under his breath, causing Y/n and several more people to laugh.

''We can practice in pairs,'' said Harry. ''We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again.''

Fred and Y/n paired up again, practicing freezing each other for the time given, then helped everyone lay out the cushions to practice the stunning spell. There were two groups which took turns to stun, seeing as the room wasn't big enough. That did give Fred and George time to mess with Zacharias Smith.

After around an hour, Harry called a halt. ''You're getting really good,'' he told them. ''When we get back from the holidays we can start doing some of the big stuff.''

Everyone shared excited glances before starting to make their way back towards the common rooms. The twins had wanted to speak with Harry, but he was too busy talking with Cho, so Y/n pulled them along.

When they arrived back at the common room George and Lee headed to their dorm, whilst Fred stayed behind, facing Y/n. ''Do you want to sleep over?''

''I'd love to, but I still have a few things to pack before tomorrow,'' Y/n said and leaned up, pressing a quick kiss on Fred's lips. ''Thanks for the offer, though.''

''Alright, then good night,'' Fred said, pecking her too. ''Don't stay up too late, alright?''

''Of course. Good night, Freddie.''

- - -

Fred jolted up when the lights in the dorm were turned on, looking around in confusion and with squinted eyes. ''Weasleys, you ought to get up.''

He sat up upon hearing McGonagall's voice, opening his eyes fully. ''What's happening?'' Fred asked as he looked at George and Lee, who looked as confused as he felt.

''It's urgent and I still need to wake up Miss Weasley,'' McGonagall told them, causing Fred to furrow his eyebrows. ''Put something on and meet me downstairs.''

The twins and Lee got up when the teacher left, putting something on and the three headed downstairs to the empty common room. Soon enough McGonagall came to the common room, Ginny and Y/n in tow. Both of them had simply thrown on night robes and looked around the boys with questioning gazes.

''Professor, what's happening?'' Ginny asked as she stood next to her brothers.

''Your father has been under attack,'' McGonagall said as she looked each Weasley in the eyes. ''The headmaster is sending you lot home.''

Fred felt his blood run cold as he stood petrified, not believing what he'd just heard. George and Ginny were in the same state, and even Y/n and Lee looked utterly shocked. ''Where's Ron?'' Fred managed to ask.

''He's already with the headmaster with Potter,'' McGonagall said and turned around, telling them to follow her. When she noticed that Y/n and Lee had tried to follow, she shook her head at them. ''Sorry, L/n, Jordan. Only the Weasleys.''

Y/n gave Fred a worried look, but he gave her a simple nod, reassuring her that it'll be okay. She gave him a quick and tight hug, Fred giving just as tight. He wanted to hold onto her. Maybe this was just a dream. Maybe he'll just wake up and find out this was just a dream.

''Fred, c'mon,'' George called, bringing Fred back to reality. It wasn't a dream. He wasn't going to wake up.

He reluctantly let go and followed after his siblings and professor through the portrait hole. Ginny kept asking question after question, though McGonagall herself didn't seem to know much.

Harry and Ron were indeed there when they arrived, both of them still in night clothes. Once Ginny caught sight of the two she directed her questions towards them, though Dumbledore was the one to answer. They were informed that they'll be sent to Grimmlaud Place, where they'd meet their mother.

''How're we going?'' asked Fred. ''Floo powder?''

''Porkey,'' Dumbledore said and ushered them to grab onto the Portkey when one of the old headmasters from the portrait had come back and told them the coast was clear to go. ''Wait, what about Y/n? Is she coming, too?''

Dumbledore shook his head at Fred's question. ''She's not a Weasley, Mr. Weasley.''

Fred wanted to argue that Harry wasn't a Weasley either, but George put a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. The older twin dropped the subject, focusing back on the task at hand.

They were greeted by Mrs. Black's screams, insulting them with all her might. Sirius rushed to the group and told her to shut up, closing the curtains around her, then led the teenagers to the living room. ''What's going on?'' Sirius asked, having not been notified beforehand.

''Ask Harry.'' Fred gestured towards the fifth-year.

''Yeah, I'd like to hear it for myself, too,'' George said and everyone turned their gazes to the Boy Who Lived.

Harry told them everything about his dream and everyone looked at him accusingly, though it couldn't be helped. If Harry hadn't seen what he'd seen, their father would've been . . . gone.

''Is Mum here?'' Fred asked.

''She probably doesn even know what's happened yet,'' Sirius said. ''The importand thing was to get you away before Umbridge could interfere. I expect Dumbledore's letting Molly know now.''

''We've got to go to St Mungo's,'' said Ginny urgently. She looked at the twins and Ron, all of them realizing they were still in their pajamas. ''Sirius, could you lend us cloaks or anything?''

''Hang on, you can't go tearing off to St Mungo's!'' said Sirius.

''Course we can go to St Mungo's if we want,'' Fred told him. ''He's our dad!''

''And how are you going to explain to the hospital how you knew Arthur was attacked before the hospital even let his wife know?'' Sirius reasoned. All redheads knew he had a point, but they couldn't bring themselves to care.

''What does that matter?'' asked George.

Sirius explained that it matters because it would draw attention to the Order and Harry, then Ginny reasoned that we could've heard it from somewhere else.

''Like who? Listen, your dad's been hurt while on duty for the Order and the circumstances are fishy enough without his children knowing about it seconds after it happened, it could seriously damage the Order's-''

''We don't care about the dumb Order!'' Fred shouted.

''It's our dad dying we're talking about!'' George joined him. Sirius explained how their father knew what he was getting himself into and that he wouldn't thank them for messing up the Order.

''Easy for you to say, stuck here! I don't see you risking your neck!'' Fred yelled at him.

Sirius' face drained of color as he spoke. ''I know it's hard, but we've all got to act though we don't know anything yet. We've got to stay put, at least until we heard from your mother, all right?''

The twins weren't pleased with the answer, but they knew they couldn't argue anymore. Ginny sank into a chair, putting her face in her hands. Fred and George threw last glares at Sirius before sitting on either side of Ginny, both of them wrapping an arm around her to try and comfort her.

Sirius offered them Butterbeer. Fred knew he meant well, but this was too much. Their father had been attacked and they were angry, Sirius just happened to be the one they took their anger out on.

Fred couldn't help but think that if Y/n had been here, maybe he would've been handling the information better.

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