24 | Last Beginning of the Year Feast

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It was already dark when they arrived at Hogsmade station. Fred, George, Y/n and Lee were one of the first ones to leave the train. Fred was, once again, refusing to give Y/n her trunk back, whilst the girl only carried a small backpack. They caught a carriage and made their way to the castle.

Y/n felt weird, knowing this was the last opening ceremony for her and her friends. Their last beginning of the year feast. The last time they'll hear a speech for the beginning of the year from Dumbledore. The last time they'll get a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Their last-

''Are you okay, love?'' Fred spoke, snapping Y/n out of her train of thoughts.

Y/n nodded. ''Yeah. Just thinking.''

''About?'' George asked from Fred's other side.

''About this being our last year at Hogwarts,'' Y/n admitted. ''I can't believe we're graduating.''

''I can't believe we're alive to graduate.'' Fred laughed. ''We've everything that's been happening and with how much we've angered McGonagall.

''I'm surprised she hasn't hexed us unconscious yet,'' George said, causing the three of them to laugh.

''Good evening, children.'' Dumbledore spoke all the sudden, causing the whole Great Hall to quiet down to listen to the old Headmaster. ''Now, we have two changes in staff this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking care of magical creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on a temporary leave.''

Y/n wondered where Hagrid could've gone, but didn't voice her thoughts.

''We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge.'' Dumbledore gestured to the teachers' table. There, next to McGonagall and Snape, sat a woman. She was clad in screaming pink, which Y/n found annoying. This was too much pink for her liking, causing her to cringe.

''Who the hell is that?'' Y/n whisper-yelled as all of them stared at their new teacher.

''And I'm sure you'll join me in wishing the Professor good luck.'' Dumbledore said, but everyone stayed quiet, still observing the pink person. ''Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr Filch, has asked me to remind you-''

''Hem, hem.'' the pink woman cleared her troath, cutting Dumbledore off. The whole Great Hall fell in complete silence, the tension levels high. If anyone hadn't been looking at the new teacher before, they were for sure looking at her now.

Even Dumbledore himself seemed surprised at being cut off, observing as the woman got up and walked over to him. ''Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome.'' she told him, then turned to the students. ''How lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me.''

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, looking around. As far as the girl could see, no one was smiling. ''I'm sure we're all going to be good friends.'' Umbridge continued.

''That's likely,'' both Fred and George said as they observed the woman, putting their heads on their palms in amusement. Y/n could tell they were up to no good. 

''The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged.'' If Dumbledore had been smiling before, it was all gone now. He was annoyed, just like everyone else in the Great Hall, but he couldn't do anything about it.

''Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be . . . prohibited.'' Everyone was looking at each other asking the same question with their expressions. What the hell is this woman talking about? With a giggle, the woman walked back to her seat. Dumbledore started clapping and everyone followed, though reluctantly. Filch, on the other hand, seemed oddly pleased.

''Thank you, Professor Umbridge.'' Dumbledore turned to her. ''That really was most illuminating.''

Y/n looked at Fred, George and Lee, all four of them seemingly clueless as to what had just happened and what this woman was doing here. ''She was at my hearing,'' Harry pointed out, causing the four seven years to turn to him.

''Do you know what that means?'' Hermione asked, grabbing everyone's attention. ''It means, the Ministry is interfering in Hogwarts.''

- - -

The twins, Lee and Y/n were in the boys' dormitory, Lee and George laying on their own beds, whilst the couple laid on Fred's bed. Y/n was propped against the headboard, while Fred laid between her legs. She ran her hands through his hair as Fred talked with the other two boys, whilst Y/n stayed quiet with her own thoughts.

''Oh, and that Umbridge!'' George laughed. ''Such nice pranks we'll pull on her!''

''This year will be brilliant!'' Fred said and the three all laughed together.

''Guys,'' Y/n spoke, silencing the boys. All three of them turned to her as she spoke. ''I think you should be more careful with the pranks this year. This Umbridge woman works for the Ministry and seems real off. Who knows what she could actually do to you.''

''C'mon now, Y/n, there's nothing to worry about! She seems harmless,'' Lee pointed out. ''What could she possibly do?''

''Well, I don't know. For all we know, she might lie and get you lot chucked into Azkaban,'' Y/n pointed out. She had a really bad feeling about that woman.

''Y/n, you're overthinking this,'' Fred said as he got up and faced her. ''Nothing that serious is going to happen, alright? The most she can give us is detention and that's if we're caught.''

''Maybe I am.'' Y/n sighed. ''But please, just . . . please be more careful this year. For my sake.''

''Alright, we'll try our best not get caught by Umbridge,'' Fred said. He sat himself next to her, putting a hand on her tight in reassurance. ''But we can still prank the hell out of Snape, right?''

Y/n laughed, leaning on Fred and hugging his arm. ''Yes. Yes, you can.''

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