23 | The Order of the Phoenix

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The following day, the twins had decided to spy on the Order's meeting before dinner once again. Just like the day before, all the teenagers gathered at the staircase, Fred holding on a new extendable ear. They briefly heard the adults inside arguing, before Crookshanks came again, but this time Fred was quick enough to pull the ear away from the cat.

Everyone was once again sitting on their seats in the dining room, but the cheerful atmosphere from yesterday was long gone, tension lingering in the year. The adults started to talk with Harry about his hearing, which would be held the next day. ''What is the Ministry of Magic against me for anyway?'' Harry asked.

This peaked all teens' interest, causing all of them to redirect their attention. ''Show him,'' Moody said. ''He'll find out soon enough.''

Kingsley took out a paper of the Daily Prophet and handed it to Harry. From where she sat, Y/n wasn't quite sure what it said, but judging by Harry's reaction, it couldn't have been good. "He's been attacking Dumbledore as well. Fudge is using all his power, including his influence on the Daily Prophet, to convince everyone that the Dark Lord hasn't actually returned." Remus explained.

"But why?" asked Harry.

"The Minister thinks Dumbledore is after his job."

"But that's insane!" Harry exclaimed right after Remus. "No one in their right mind would believe that Dumbledore-"

"Exactly! Fudge is not in his right mind." Remus cut Harry off. "It's twisted by fear. Fear does bad things, Harry. The last time Voldemort showed up, we almost lost everything we love and hold most dear. Having that in mind, we think the minister would do everything to keep the wizarding population at peace."

After a pause, Sirius spoke. "We think Voldemort wants to build his army again. Fourteen years ago he had a huge army, not only from wizards and witches, but also many dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily and we've been attempting to do the same.

"But gathering followers is not the only thing he's interested in." Sirius said, looking at Harry. His next words were spoken with hesitation. "We believe, Voldemort is after something."

"Sirius." Moody cut him off in a warning tone.

Sirius continued speaking. "Something he didn't have last time."

"You mean, like, a weapon?" asked Harry. Y/n started getting a really bad feeling about the outcome of that conversation.

As if on queue, Molly put the knife down and spoke. "No, that's enough." she walked up to Harry and put her hands on his shoulders. "He's just a boy. You tell him much more and you might as well induct him straight away."

"Good! I wanna join!" Harry exclaimed. "If Voldemort is rising an army, then I want to fight."

Y/n was so focused on the conversation that she barely felt Fred's hand slip into hers, much like it'd been yesterday. The two shared small smiles before turning back to the conversation. Sirius had leaned back in his chair and winked at Harry.

Molly shooed the teenagers off to bed and, with much complain, they all did as told. Y/n was once again in Fred and George's room, the three of them talking about what had just happened. ''What could that weapon even be?'' asked George.

''I mean, we're wizards, right?'' Y/n pointed out. ''It's probably a wand.''

- - -

Harry had been cleared of all charges, which Y/n had no doubt would happen, and before they knew it, they were back on the Hogwarts Express and heading towards Hogwarts. It felt weird, knowing this one of their last Hogwarts Express rides for their school careers.

Y/n had sat with the twins and Lee that year, seeing as there were now younger Prefects, like Ron and Hermione, to patrol the corridors. Ron had come to warn the troublesome seventh years that Hermione was approaching, so the four scurried to pack everything before Hermione could confiscate it.

Once Hermione had passed, the twins took the candy out again, continuing to test them, while Y/n and Lee were supposed to do the contra magic, having been given a list to read the spells from. Y/n admired how much effort Fred and George put into their work. If they'd put that much effort in school, Molly wouldn't be constantly on their throats about it.

''Are you sure you won't get poisoned?'' Y/n asked, whilst Lee laughed at George's years, which had grown four times bigger than the usual size.

''I mean, we aren't sure,'' Fred admitted, rolling a piece of candy in his palm. ''But we have to test them on someone anyway. We'd get in less trouble if we do it on ourselves, you see.''

''So, you're more worried about getting in trouble than getting someone poisoned?'' Y/n crossed her arms in front of her chest.

''That too,'' Fred said, then popped the candy in his mouth. His nose started growing big, weighting him down. Y/n laughed, wishing she had a camera to take a picture with. She quickly whipped her wand out, saying the contra spell when it started becoming too big.

Someone passed their compartment and Y/n noticed it was Cho Chang. She didn't look as bad as before, but she still wasn't her happiest self. Y/n couldn't blame her. She really felt bad about Cho, but it's not like she'd killed Cedric, right?

Y/n didn't dare speak with the Ravenclaw. She had her suspicions that Cho might still hold something against her, regardless of the girl letting Y/n hold her hand in reassurance on the ceremony for Cedric last year. If Cho wanted her presence, she'd come to the Gryffindor herself, right? There was no reason for Y/n to meddle this time.

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