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Y/n jolted from her dream, wincing slightly at the light coming through the window. She sat up, the covers pooling at her waist. She noticed she'd fallen in the twins and Lee's dorm and Lee himself was snoring from his bed. After the Weasleys were taken to the headmaster's office the night before, Y/n and Lee had decided to go back to the dorm to wait for the twins, though it seemed they never came back.

A chill ran through her spine as she touched the cold wooden floor, standing up from Fred's bed. Looking around the room, she noticed the twins' belongings still scattered around. It was still early, so Y/n got up and started going around, collecting everything that still needed to be packed and putting it in their trunks.

Lee yawned as he sat up in his bed, noticing Y/n walking around the room. ''Are they back yet?''

''No.'' Y/n shook her head.

There was a knock on the door and the two shared a glance before telling the person to come in. It wasn't the twins, as they'd hoped, but rather Professor McGonagall, no longer wearing her night gown.

''Ah, L/n, Jordan, I see you're up already, that's great,'' she said. ''Do you by any chance know if the twins' trunks have been packed?''

''Yes, I just packed both of theirs, Professor,'' Y/n said, pointing at the two closed trunks.

''That's brilliant,'' McGonagall said. ''Is yours packed? Miss Weasley's?''

''Mine's packed and I'm pretty sure Ginny's is as well.''

''That's perfect. Could you possibly bring all Weasleys' and Potter's trunks downstairs, along with yours and wait for me in the common room?''

''Of course, Professor,'' Y/n said. McGonagall nodded and walked out, leaving Lee and Y/n on their own.

Lee offered to help her and the two had brought down the six trunks in the common room. McGonagall bewitched the trunks to float and instructed Y/n to follow her. The girl bid goodbye to her friend, telling him she'd write to him about what had happened, then followed McGonagall out of the portrait hole.

''Ah, Miss L/n,'' Dumbledore said when Y/n and McGonagall arrived at his office. ''I was told you'll be spending your Christmas with the Weasleys, correct?''

''Yes, Professor Dumbledore,'' Y/n said, nodding her head. The headmaster had given her a Portkey and with a strong hold on all suitcases, she was teleported to the living room of Number 12, Grimmlaud Place. She winced as her butt made contact with the floor and grabbed the attention of the people in the house.

George poked his head from the kitchen. ''Y/n?''

''Did you just say Y/n?'' Fred asked as he too made his way out of the kitchen. Noticing his girlfriend on the ground, he immediately rushed to help her back to her feet. ''You okay, love?''

''Yeah, I'm good,'' Y/n said, holding on Fred's hand tighter. ''How's your dad?''

George approached the two. ''Mum said he's fine,'' he said. ''We'll go visit him later, though.''

''That's a relief,'' Y/n said, then looked at the six scattered, but thankfully not opened, trunks on the ground and gestured to them. ''Er – here's everyone's things. I packed you guys' luggage, I hope I got everything.''

''Thanks, love,'' Fred said and leaned down to peck her lips, before making his way to the trunks with George.

''Did I hear right that Y/n's arrived?'' Molly emerged from the kitchen, drying her hands with a towel. ''Oh, dear, it's so lovely to see you!''

The older woman wrapped Y/n in a hug, the younger girl returning it. ''Same to you, Molly,'' she said. ''Is everything okay?''

''Everything's fine, dear, thanks for asking,'' Molly said as the two pulled away from the hug. ''You can go up to your room and change if you'd like, breakfast will be done in a few.''

Y/n nodded and turned around, seeing the twins gone, along with three of the trunks. She sighed, apparating to the room the twins had stayed in the summer, seeing the two rummaging through their trunks for clothes to change in to, both of them still being in their pajamas.

''May I have my trunk?'' Y/n asked, rising an eyebrow.

''But you're staying here,'' Fred said and looked at her. ''Aren't you?''

''What would your mum say?'' the girl asked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

''We're seventeen now, I don't think she'd mind,'' Fred said, then looked at his brother. ''Besides, George's here. What can we do when he's here?''

''Are you calling me a cockblock?'' George looked up from his trunk as well.

''You and Lee,'' Fred said, causing Y/n to blush.

She picked up her trunk that's been placed next to Fred's bed, then turned to her boyfriend. ''Don't worry, I'll still sleep over sometimes,'' Y/n said, looking at George. ''If George's fine with it, of course.''

George scoffed. ''Like I have a say in this. Fred would make you stay anyway.''

''True that.''

When done with changing, Y/n made her way back to the twins' room. Only Fred was there still, pulling his shirt on. Y/n did blush, having caught a sight of his chest, but she reminded herself what she'd come for in the first place.

''Hey, Fred,'' Y/n said as she sat down at the bed.

Fred looked at her with worry at her tone, sitting down next to her. ''What is it, love? Are you okay?''

Y/n nodded. ''I am, but are you? I've never seen you as scared as yesterday and I've been worried.''

A gentle smile appeared on Fred's face as he took ahold of her hand. ''I'm . . . better now. I just, my dad could've died yesterday, but thankfully he didn't. I was in shock, is all. Now that I know he's okay and he'll live, I feel better.''

She smiled, squeezing his hand slightly. ''I'm happy you're fine. I'm sorry I couldn't be there, it must've been tough.''

''It was, but it's okay. You're here now,'' Fred said and pressed a kiss to her temple before embracing her tightly.

The two remained holding hands, even in the car on the way to the hospital where they would check on Arthur, Fred feeling better as Y/n gave him reassuring squeezes. 

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now