31 | Practice

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By the time Y/n had her first Quidditch practice, Angelina had found two new Beaters to take Fred and George's places – though neither of them was nearly as good – and had taken in Ginny for the new Seeker. It wasn't like Y/n disliked the team, she just wished Fred and George weren't banned.

She sat at breakfast along with the twins and Lee, already clad in her Quidditch sweater that Angelina had given her a few days prior. The twins were planning new pranks, now that they'll be having more time without having to worry about Quidditch practice. Angelina passed the group on her way out of the Great Hall, beckoning Y/n to hurry up with breakfast.

''Alright, then,'' Y/n said as she wiped her mouth and stood up, the three boys following her with their eyes. ''I'll see you guys later.''

''Oi, where do you think you're going?'' Fred spoke as he got up as well. ''I'm coming to watch!''

George and Lee got up as well. ''Yeah, we'll tag along, too.''

''Don't you guys have pranks to do?'' Y/n asked, looking between the three of them.

''You used to come to most of our practices, it's only fair that we come to yours, too.'' Fred shrugged. ''Besides, I want to see you pummeling the other Chasers' reputations!''

''That's so sweet, Freddie.'' Y/n laughed and pecked his cheek. ''Now, we better go before Angie comes back and drags me to the pitch.''

It felt foreign to Y/n – for the first time, it was her going to the changing room, whilst Fred and George headed to the bleachers. Once she was inside she quickly changed her shoes, then grabbed her broomstick, then made her way to the pitch.

Angelina arrived not too long after Y/n, then practice started. Ginny was high in the air, chasing after the Snitch. The Beaters were beating the Bludgers around, and the three Chasers where battling over the Quaffle, each of them trying to score at the goal, where Ron flew nervously.

Y/n flew under Alicia, managing to snatch the Quaffle from under her arm and knock her off balance. The h/c haired girl sped ahead and towards the goal, facing Ron's sacred expression. She threw the Quaffle and it flew through the hoop, scoring a point. ''Sorry, Ron!'' Y/n called as she swerved and flew back.

''GO Y/N!'' Fred yelled from the bleachers, grabbing Y/n's attention. It brought a smile on her face, knowing her boyfriend was her biggest supporter.

''DON'T DISTRACT HER, FRED!'' Angelina yelled, causing Fred to shut up. Once she'd turned around, Fred gave his girlfriend thumbs-up, causing her to laugh before flying back to join the game.

Y/n had possession of the Quaffle throughout most of practice, which led her to wonder if Angelina and Alicia were going easy on her. Nevertheless, it ended too fast for Y/n's liking, as she was having so much fun. Why hadn't she tried for the Quidditch Team earlier, again?

When the seven members landed on the ground, Angelina put her hands on Y/n's shoulders with a proud smile. ''If Wood had known how good you were and never told him, he'd come back to Hogwarts just to hex you.''

Y/n felt her cheeks become warmer as she laughed nervously. ''Thanks, Angie.''

- - -

''Stupefy!'' Y/n caused, sending the charm in her partner's way. Fred flew back, hitting the wall and falling on the ground with a groan. ''Fred!'' She rushed over to him and kneeled down, helping him to sit up as he rubbed the back of his head.

''Bloody hell,'' Fred said.

''Godric, Fred, I'm so sorry,''  Y/n apologized, inspecting him. ''Are you okay?''

''No worries, love,'' Fred said, giving her a cheeky smile before knocking on his head. ''It's not like there's something to break inside.''

Y/n smiled, kissing the side of his head. ''I'm sure there is, Freddie.''

With Y/n's help Fred got up, then the two of them noticed a crowd forming in the middle of the Room of Requirement. They found George and Lee standing in the front, watching as Ron and Hermione stood in the center.

''I bet you one sickle Hermione's going to beat him,'' George whispered to his brother.

''Deal,'' Fred agreed.

As expected, Hermione sent Ron flying with the Stunning Spell, causing Fred to groan as he handed the money to his brother. Y/n headed to all of the girls that were crowding around Hermione, joining them in congratulating her. Ron had said he'd let Hermione win, but everyone knew that wasn't true.

Classes with Harry were going well for everyone. They've been practicing old and new spells, though they still had a lot to learn. They still had one class left before the Christmas holidays were to arrive. The twins, Lee and Y/n waited for their turn to go back to the common room again.

''Y/n!" Angelina called when the four entered the common room. ''Don't forget practice tomorrow! And don't be late!''

''Of course,'' Y/n nodded and watched her go and pester the new Beaters about it.

''I swear she's turning into Wood,'' Fred commented as he flopped down on the couch, opening his arm out for Y/n. She sat down next to him, snuggling to his side.

''It could be a good thing, too,'' Y/n reasoned, causing Fred to shrug.

''Hey, she's managing the team quite well,'' George commented, causing his three friends to laugh. ''What?''

''Of course you'd say that,'' Lee said. George realized what they were implying and huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Lee and George soon left, claiming they were tired. That left Y/n and Fred alone in the, now empty, common room, free to cuddle on the couch.

''By the way,'' Fred stared, looking down at her. ''Mum invited you over for Christmas.''

''Really? That's great!'' Y/n smiled. ''At least I won't be alone, since my parents are on a business trip each and won't be home.''

''How could you not tell me earlier?'' Fred asked, turning his body to her. ''I would never let you celebrate Christmas on your own!''

Y/n's shrugged. ''I didn't want to burden you and your family.''

''How could you possibly burden us?'' Fred asked, putting a hand on her cheek. ''And with a thing like this, no less?'' Y/n simply shrugged again, snuggling closer to her boyfriend.

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