11 | The Champions

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After their failed attempt at entering the Triwizard Tournament, Fred and George accepted their defeat and gave up. Or they couldn't come up with any more ways to possibly fool Dumbledore with.

Everyone sat in the Great Hall after dinner, not yet going to bed. The Champions were about to be announced and the hall buzzed with excitement. Well, almost everyone was excited – the twins were still quite grumpy about not being given a chance. Professor Dumbledore did his introduction, then approached the Goblet of Fire, from where the first name already flew out.

''The Beaubaxtons Champion is . . . Fleur Delacour!'' The Hogwarts headmaster announced, causing the hall to erupt in cheers as the blonde girl stood up and walked over to him. She shook hands with Dumbledore, who gave her the parchment from the Goblet, then directed her towards the backroom.

The second name flew out rather quick, Dumbledore catching it midair again. ''The Durmstrang Champion is . . . Viktor Krum!'' Y/n noticed him cheer slightly, though he tried to seem neutral about it. Just like Fleur, he went up to Dumbledore, shook hands with him, took his parchment and went to the back room.

This was the moment Y/n was anxious about. A name she recognizes would be drawn out. She knew Cedric entered. She knew about Angelina, too. She wasn't sure if she wanted Angelina to be chosen or not. She still had mixed feelings about her, ever since the summer.

''And the Hogwarts Champion is . . . Cedric Diggory!'' The Hufflepuff smiled in satisfaction. His friends clapped him on the back as he stood up and made his way towards the headmaster. For a brief moment, him and Y/n made eye contact, though she was quick to look away. She looked at Fred, who was sitting next to her, to find him already looking at her. He was the one to look away first.

The hall grew silent as a fourth name was spit out of the Goblet. Dumbledore turned around and noticed it falling. Everyone's breaths were hitched as the headmaster approached the floating, burnt piece of parchment and grab it. He read it to himself and then looked up, checking where the unfortunate person is.

''Harry Potter.''

Y/n looked towards the fourth year, as did the whole Great Hall. Harry? Was she hearing correct? Harry couldn't have put his name in, could he? Why would he even want to put his name inside in the first place?

''Go, go!'' Hermione ushered the fourth Champion. He was in enough trouble as it is, not complying and going there would make it even worse, wouldn't it?

Harry cautiously approached Dumbledore, the latter staring at the former in disbelief. The headmaster handed the chosen one the slip of parchment. Everyone watched Harry as he made his way towards the back room, some people calling him out for being a cheater and not being of age.

''Everyone, off to bed, now!'' Dumbledore commanded and everyone started moving out of the Great Hall, Harry being the talk of the school, once again.

''How do you reckon he did it?'' Fred asked as he, George and Y/n made their way through the doors.

''You really think Harry put his name in there?'' Y/n asked.

''I mean, his name did just come out of there, didn't it?'' George spoke as he and Fred halted, facing Y/n.

''Why would Harry want to put his name in?'' Y/n looked between them. ''The kid's got himself into enough trouble the past couple of years, I don't think he'd put his name in there.''

''So, how do you think his name ended up there?'' asked Fred, unconvinced.

''I don't know, someone might of put it in there without Harry knowing,'' Y/n said.

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