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December 11th, Thursday 7:10 am

This is in Dimitri's POV.

The white haired male sat in front of the Principle with a smirk. "So, I've decided that I'm going to be coming back to this little school."

"Right, I'll let everyone know." The principle went to write something but was stopped.

"No, only tell the student council." Dimitri grabbed his wrist.

"Yes, nephew." He rolled his eyes, only to have Dimitri glaring at him.


Y/n's house:

The girl arched over the toilet seat and puked a lot, her mother holding her hair back.

"It's okay sweet can have the day off school." Her mother smiled softly.

Y/n nodded and went back to her warm bed and slept.

The worried mother called into the school, saying that Y/n would not be going in.

Dimitri's POV, 1 hour later:

"She's not coming in?" I frowned and stared at my uncle in utter despair.

"No, sorry Dimitri," the principle sighed, "her mother called in telling us Y/n is unwell."

My heart sank. Y/n was unwell.

"Oh..." I stood up and left the room to call one of my many assistants.

"Okay, bring as much as you can to their house. Also, a doctor." I grinned, knowing that my doctors would be able to cure y/n's sickness.

"Right away, sir!" The person on the other end said.

"Also, wear gloves when handling my precious y/n's gifts I don't want your filthy hands touching them. Okay, bye!" I smiled innocently and hung up.

"She'll be back soon, won't she uncle?" I walked back in.

"Probably." He responded.

"Good because..."

"She's mine now."


Thanks for reading this short chapter! It was mostly about Dimitri, so I didn't see the point in making it longer because let's face it, everyone but Y/n is irrelevant o_o

bYeee! <33

316 words-

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