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Chrisy took Brooke out so it gave Bev and I time to set up. It wasn't much, it looked normal. However, only Brooke and I will eat. Our siblings are going out to give us privacy. I'm dressed in sweats and a tank so that Brooke doesn't feel under dressed again.

I hear the car pull up and the back door open. Bev left out the back and I went to fetch my baby at the door.
"What's all this?"
"Nothing. Just go with it."
We ate lunch which was just grilled cheese because it's Brookes favourite. When we were finished, I went down on one knee infront of Brooke.

"This is not a proposal. This is a promise. I promise to always love you unconditionally. I promise to be faithful to you. I promise that you have my heart and I hope I have yours. I promise to always support you and be there for you and I promise that this is a promise I will keep. I promise to one day propose and make you my wife and have kids with you. I promise you my heart, my life and and my love. I promise to love and take care of not only you but also to your sister. I seal all my promises with this ring. So my dear Brooke, do you accept?"

She takes my hands and makes me stand up.
"I accept and I promise you the same. You've always had my heart my love."
She kisses me and I wanted to do more. I wanted to take her to our bed and have my way with her but unfortunately we have dinner with my parents.
"This is also for you." I take out the jewelry set and give it to her.
"These are beautiful baby."
"Not as beautiful as you." I assured.
"Thank you."
"Let's go get ready. I want you to wear your ring and your set okay?"
"Anything for you."
"I hope you don't mind but I got our sister's matching earings."
"It's fine. As long as all this wasnt expensive."
"It wasn't that bad."
"How much?"
"I'm not telling you."
"No sex for a week if you don't tell me." dammit.
"45 okay. Not expensive."
"45 thousand?" I nodded.
"That costs more than all my assets before I met you."
"It may seem excessive but you are priceless."
"I'm going to go get ready." I hope I didn't piss her off.
I walk in and she's in her underwear. She looks so gorgeous. It's taking everything in me not to pounce on her.
"What about Bev?"
"She'll be back in 10 minutes. Then in an hour Chrisy is coming to fetch us."


Chrisy should be here soon. I'm wearing black slacks with a white shirt and a black blazer. All from the women's section. I didn't think it would be wise to wear anything for the men's section. My parents are going to be pissed enough.
Bev is in a wine red dress. She looks stunning. We're waiting on Brooke. She's matching me in a black and white dress but I haven't seen her in it. I see her come down the stairs and my heart stopped and time slowed for a second.
"Close your mouth Amy. You'll catch flies." Brooke chuckled at her sisters comment and it was the second best sound ever. I flipped Bev off and went to my baby.
"You look... Wow babe."
"You don't look bad yourself. I love seeing you in a shirt. It's sexy."
"Your sister texted. She's outside. Let's move lovebirds."

"You guys look smashing. Also the whole family is going to be there. Let's get going." my family isn't that bad.
"Most of my family are pretty chill. It's just my parents and a few aunts and uncles."
"Great to know."

We pull up to the house and it's the exact same as when I left it. Images of that day flood my head. Suddenly I'm 18 and standing in my driveway saying goodbye again. I don't even realize I'm crying until someone puts a hand on my shoulder and I turn to face them. I wasn't sure who it was but I catch their scent and it's enough to comfort me.

"Baby? Are you okay?"
"I am now."
"We don't have to do this."
"Yes we do. Come on. Let's go." I get up and see that Bev and Chris are staring at us.

"I'm ready."
"I can take you home. You don't have to do this."
"I have to Chris. Let's go in."
She goes in, followed by Brooke and I and Bev last.

"I'm back everyone and I have someone here with me." immediately my family comes into view. Aunts and uncles and cousins I haven't seen in a long long time.

"Hey guys."
"Amy? Is that you darling?"
"It's me Aunt Ruth."
"It's good to see you honey. We have all missed you."
"I've missed you too." I go and give her a hug and she whispers in my ear,
"My stupid brother would have accepted you. Your mother just had him convinced that homosexuality was horrible. But once you left he realized it wasn't but it was too late. I'm glad you're back. We all are."
"Me too Aunty. Me too." I pull back and stare at the crowd. My eyes tear up and Brooke squeezes my hand.
"Who is this? She's beautiful. Isn't she beautiful Johnny? You know darling if you need a boy, my son Ben is very handsome." my mums sister Elise pipes in talking about Brooke, my Brooke, to her husband.

"Oh hush Elise. Can you not see the ring? Now Amy, who are these people?" I mouth a thank you to Aunt Ruth.
"This is my beautiful and amazing girlfriend Brooke," she blushes "and this is her sister Beverly. Beverly was in my English class when I was a teacher."
"Nice to meet you both. I'm glad Amy found a girl to make her happy. So when's the wedding?"
"It's nice to meet you too. This is not an engagement ring yet." it's my turn to blush now.

Just as I was about to start talking, my mother's voice rings out.

"Welcome back Amy."

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