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"Welcome back Amy." this is the first time I've heard her speak in 4 years.

"Hey Mum."

"Who is this?" she asks looking at the sisters behind me.

I start to speak but Aunt Elise cuts me off.
"Her girlfriend and her girlfriend's sister."

"I hope you don't mind me bringing them but I took them on a family trip and I didn't want them to be alone so here they are."

"May I have a word with you in private? You remember the way to the kitchen I'd hope?"

"I do." she stalked off and I turned to the Chris. "Chrisy, show them to the living room with the rest of the guests please?"

The kitchen is next to the living room and I hope what we say won't be overheard. I don't even know what we are going to talk about. We walk in and she closes the door. As if it's going to make any difference if anyone wants to eavesdrop.

"You look nice."
"Thank you. This place looks exactly the same."
"Let's skip this. Your father and I were less than pleased to hear that Christina was still in contact with you."
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"We don't hate you. We hate this phase that you going through. You are not gay. You just haven't found the right man yet. You know Kelly, my friend from the country club, her son is your age. Lovely young man. Mabye he's the one?" I can't believe this.
"No mother. It's not a 'phase'. I'm as gay as they come and I'm happy. And Kelly's son is not the one for me. My amazing girlfriend next door is."
"Oh you mean the cheap slut who is with you for your money."
She does not get to call her that.
"Watch your mouth when talking about the women I love. She is most definitely NOT a slut and she didn't even know how much I had until recently. So if you are going to talk crap about her atleast get the facts right. She is an amazing women who raised her sister mostly on her own. So when it comes to my girlfriend, I suggest you shut up."
"Look at what this girl has done to you. You talking back to your mother. I didn't raise you like that. And all for trailer park trash who is going to leave you the second she gets all your money."
I was pissed when she called her a slut. Now I'm livid. I'm about to open my mouth to speak when I hear my father's booming voice.
"Isabelle Johnson what is wrong with you?"
"Oh please Samuel if you look at her you would think the same."
"That doesn't matter. They are guests in my house and they shall be treated like guests. Now princess, you and your girlfriend and her sister who I'm sure are lovely, go to the dining hall. Isabelle, we are going to have a civil dinner and then I would like a word in my office. Is everyone understood?"
We both nod and my mother walks out, leaving my father and I. I walk over to him and give him a hug.
"I've missed you daddy."
"I missed you too princess. I'm sorry about what I said all those years ago. I truly am. You are my family okay? Don't ever think otherwise."
"It's okay Dad. I forgive you. I love you."
"I love you too. Now I want to meet the girl who has my daughter's heart."
"She's amazing dad. You'll love her."
"If you love her, I'm sure I will too."

We walk into the living room to see everyone staring at the door.
"How much did you hear?" my father questions his sister.
"I'm sorry everyone, especially Amy's girl, for my wife. She can be abit... I'm sorry."
I don't see Chris or the sister's.
"Where are they?"
"Your sister took them to your old room."
I nod and sprint to my room. I walk in and see Brooke with tear brimmed eyes sitting on my bed. Chris and Bev stand nearby. When I opened the door, they all looked at me but only Brooke spoke.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. Your mum is right. We are just trailer park trash. I'm sorry."
"We'll give you guys some privacy. We'll be in my room. Let's go Bev."
They left, leaving us alone. I sit next to her but she doesn't look up.

"Brooke. Look at me."
She still looks down. "I'm sorry. But please. Look at me.". She still doesn't look at me.
"Brooke Wilson, you will look at me when I am speaking to you." she looks at me and my heart breaks. Her eyes hold so much sadness in them.
"Thank you. You are not at fault baby. And she's wrong. You are not a slut who wants my money. You are not trailer park trash. You are amazing and beautiful and the best at everything okay? And don't apologize for her. You have nothing to be sorry for okay?" I pull her into me and kiss her head, repeating "I love you" between each kiss. We sit like this, her in my arms for about 20 minutes before someone knocks at my door.
"Come in." my dad walks in.
"Hey baby look up." she looks up and meets my dad's eyes.
"Hello. I'm Samuel Johnson. But you can call me dad. I'm Amy's father."
"Dad. It's abit to soon don't you think." I groan.
"It's fine babe. I'm Brooke Wilson and it's nice to meet you."
"My baby girl treating you right?"
"She treats me like a queen dad."
"That's because you are a queen babe." I kiss her nose.
"No doing stuff like that. Atleast not when an old man is in your presence."
"Old my ass dad."
"Watch that mouth."
Rolling my eyes, I respond, "Sorry."
"Now foods getting cold. Let's go eat. I'm starving."
He leaves the room, leaving us alone once again.
"We don't have to go if you don't want to."
"I want to."
"Let's go." We kiss once before making our way down.

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