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"So tell us about yourself Brooke.", one of my aunts ask.
"What do you want to know. I'm not a very interesting person."

She is so very wrong.
"I beg to differ babe. You are the most interesting person I know."
She blushes.
"That's because you don't know many people."
Internally I'm laughing at the sass she just threw but externally I'm pouting.

"No. Don't pout baby. I'm sorry."
She leans in to kiss me and our lips are just touching when my father clears his throat.

"I said no doing all of that with me present."
I lean in and kiss her anyway and I hear my mother scoff. We settled into silence for a few minutes until Bev broke the awkward silence.
"This food is lovely."
"Thank you. I don't know your name though."

"It's Bev Mrs Johnson."
"She's polite. Very nice. So Amy, what are you doing for work? When you left you said that you were going to UCLA."
"Nothing right now. When I was kicked out, I went and studied teaching but I realised after the first semester it's not for me."

"So what are you going to do princess?" my dad asks.
"I've got cash coming in so I don't have to do anything but someone told me that I should find what I love so I'm going to do that."
"Wise. I can start giving you a monthly allowance again if you'd like."
"No dad. I've got enough. More than enough actually."
"Please Amy. I failed you as a father. You had no where to go when I kicked you out and I want to make up for it. Please let me make it up to you."

"What your father is doing is nice Amy, mabye you should listen to him. If you don't, I'll take the money.", what Aunt Ruth said caused everyone to laugh. Everyone except my mum.
"What about your sister? What do you do?", my dad asked.
"I am in my senior year. Amy was actually my teacher but next semester we have a new one because the best teacher ever decided teaching wasn't for her so she left us high and dry." this caused everyone to laugh again.
"And what about you Brooke?"
"At the moment I'm working as a waitress at a restaurant. Your daughter wants me to quit but I feel like a burden right now on Amy and I don't want to burden her." I roll my eyes. No matter how many times I tell her I have enough money, she still says she's a burden.
"You will never be a burden on me, understand? Even if I have nothing, you will still not be a burden. I have enough for both of us."

"We raised you right Amy. You treat your girlfriend right."
"Thanks dad."
"So Brooke. Do you have a degree?"
"No. I always wanted to be a doctor. I got into a school and everything but something happened and I wasn't able to continue. However, your daughter got me into UCLA and I'm starting next year."
"Good. And what about you Bev? Any ideas what you doing?"
"Yes. I want to go to Columbia but I don't have funding and it's far."
"Bev I told you. I'll pay. If Columbia is what you want, Columbia is what you'll get." these sisters hate accepting help.

"You know Bev if you'd like, you could stay with us or on campus. If you decide on Columbia that is." my dad was always generous.
"Thank you Mr Johnson. I'll consider it."
"Please. Call me Sam."
"Okay Sam."

"So I hate to be the inquisitive Uncle but when are you two getting married?" uncle Johnny asked.
"I haven't proposed yet Uncle Johnny."
"Hey I could propose if I wanted to."
"Of course you could. Point is, no one proposed."
"I want grandkids. I'm getting old." we all laughed at this.
"None of you are old yet so all of you shut up."

The rest of dinner went by smoothly. We had light conversations and I held Brooke's hand under the table the whole time, stealing glances every chance I got.
Dessert was severed and it's almost finished.
"Amy, after dinner can I have a word please?"
"Ofcourse mother."
Brooke squeezed my hand under the table.

After dinner I went to my father's study and waited for my mother. She came 5 minutes after me.

"If you are here to insult my girlfriend or me then either leave or let me leave."
"I'm here to apologize. If you want to hear it."
I motioned for her to go on.
"I'm sorry. For everything. For kicking you out when you came out to us. For being a horrible mother all those years ago. I'm sober now. For 3 years I'm sober. I'm sorry for calling your girlfriend a trailer park trash slut. I can see she loves you. Like really loves you. And you love her. All those glances you thought no one saw. The hand holding. I see the love you have for each other and I'm happy for you. You deserve someone to make you happy. I know in the past I've failed as a mother but I would like the chance to be in your life again. Please."
I didn't even realise I was crying until my mother wiped my tears away.
"I'll go now.", she moved towards the door but I pulled her back.
"I'm sorry too mum. I know I disappointed you. I'm sorry mum." she pulled me into her and held me.
"No sweety. You have nothing to be sorry about. I was a bitch to you."
"It's okay mum. I forgive you. And yes, I would love to have you in my life again."
"Thank you. Now I would like a word with your girlfriend. Alone please."
"Dont be to hard on her please."

I went out and found Chrisy and Brooke in her room.
"Where's Bev?"
"Dad has her. He's talking about college."
"My mom wants to speak to you. She's in the office. It's straight down the hall."
"We need to talk when you get back."
She left and went to the office.

"That's the first time you've called her 'mom' in a long time."
"Yeah I cried out and she was there and we made up."
"Your eyes are red."
"I have my family back."

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