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"I hope you guys don't mind but Ms Johnson kinda owns this place so is it cool if she watches TV with us?"

"We don't mind. As long as it's not some boring ass Shakespeare documentary."
That hurt.
"I'm hurt. I would never even watch those."

"You made my class watch them."

"Not helping Bev."

Brooke came back with popcorn.
"Here. We'll take the armchair and you five of you can spread out on the floor or sofa."
I sat down and Brooke tried to squeeze in next to me.
"No. You're sitting on my lap."
She kissed me and it was so good. But someone interrupted us.

"Ms Johnson you're a dyke? And Bev your sister is a dyke. Is that why you broke up with me. Because you're a disgusting dyke just like them?"
Brooke got up and left. This guy has quite a pair.

"Get out."
"What did you say?"
"I said get out of Ms Johnson's house now. And don't call me again."
"Whatever. I give you a week before you're begging me to take you back."

Bev was about to charge him but I held her back.
"Amy let me go."
"No. Take a breather. Go check on your sister. I'll be there in a minute."

She left, leaving me with the children.
"You need to leave. Now. Don't come back. Don't contact Bev. Don't even look at her. Understand?"

"You know this is a nice place. I think that I'll need some compensation for this."

"No. You get shit. You get to walk out of my home. Our home. Without a nice shiner and a broken nose. Now get out of my fucking house and never come back. Understand?"

Without another word, he leaves.
"Anyone else have a problem with me being gay?"
They all shake their head's.
"Good. Now I'm going to check on them. You guys can stay or leave. I don't care. Excuse me."

I walk into my room and see her on our bed crying.
"He left and he's not coming back."
"That's not it. I'm not used to people insulting me about my gayness."
"I'm sorry. But you don't care about him so don't care about his opinion of you."
"Can we go watch tv?"
"Come on. Get some snacks out of the kitchen please?"
"Whatever you like."

I walk into the living room and find Raya with her hand in Bev's thigh. Are they a thing? Is there a thing between them?
I don't even know.

"Hey babe. There's no snacks."
"Okay. Can you and Raya go pick some up?"
She walks over to me and whispers in my ear.
"Why am I not going with you?"
"Just go."
I kiss her temple.
"Hey Raya. Get whatever you want. My treat. Brooke, if she tries to pay, don't let her."

They left and I went to speak to Bev.
"Okay 2 things. What's going on with you two?"

"What do you mean.", she's playing the oblivious card.

"She's into you."

"No she's not. Believe me. She won't ever see me like that."

"You have a crush on her."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. How long?"

"Since freshman year."

"Wow. What about Wes?"

"I dated him because I knew she wouldn't like me like that and I sort of fell for him."

"She likes you. You should give it a try."

"We'll see. What's the second thing?"

"I want to propose."

"Finally. But isn't it soon?"

"Yes. But when you know, you know. So will you go ring shopping with me tomorrow. I'm booking her into a spar."

"Fine. When you gonna do it?"

"She wants to go Hawaii so I was gonna fly us down for a week and on the last day at sunset."

"She'll love it."

"Great now take the chance with Raya. She's a good kid. I like her for you."

"Thanks sissy."

That melted my heart.
"You're welcome."

Chris decided to stop by because she was bored. Bev decided to move in with her. We are all watching TV now.
Everyone nominated me to pick something to watch and now they all stuck watching How to get away with murder.

"How about a lawyer sissy? You'd be a good one. Remember all those times you argued your way outa shit even though it was your fault. Good times."

"No. I can't argue without getting emotional. I'd be like 'bitch it clearly says this'."
They all laugh at this.

"What are you gonna do now Ms Johnson?"

"Please Raya. You're watching TV in my home, eating all my food. Atleast call me Amy."


"I don't know yet. These 3 say I should do what I love."

"Which is?"

"I don't know."

We finished up the marathon and Chrisy went home.
"Is it cool if Raya stays the night?"
I give her a look.
"Thanks. Love ya."
"Mhm love you too. Have fun."

"What was that about."
"Can we go sleep? I'm tired."
"Okay. But I want to get something done so I'll be on my laptop."
"Okay baby."

We went and she slept while I did work. At about 8 I got hungry so I went to see if the girls want food.

I walked into Bev's room and regretted not knocking. Bev was topless underneath Raya.
"Gees. Could have atleast went on a few dates first. Next time, put a sock on the door. You want anything to eat?"
"Brooke will die. McDonald's please."
"She'll get over it. Anything for you Raya?"

"Just get me whatever she's having."

"Okay. Please be quiet. Your sister is sleeping."

I went to fetch the food thanking God I didn't see anything but her stomach and bra.

"I'm back guys. Come and eat."
Brooke came down.
"Morning sleepy head."
"It's half past 8. It's not even close to morning."
"You're mean when you're hungry. Here go eat." I handed her the food.
"I'll be there in a sec."

Walking up to Bev's door, I made sure to knock.
"Your food."
"Thanks Amy."
I walked out and closed the door but Raya opened it again.

"I'm sorry about earlier."
"It's fine. Did you do it? She's a virgin you know."
"I know and I stopped. Look. I'm not like Wes. I love her. I've loved her since freshman year. I just always thought she was straight."
"I get it. It's fine. Treat my baby sister right please? She loves you too. She may not say it but the way she looks at you, she loves you."
"So I have approval?"
"Yes. Welcome to the family."
"Ever been to a spa?"
"My family's kinda poor."
"No judgment. Tomorrow you and Brooke are going to the spa."
"What about you and Bev?"
"Can I tell you a secret?" she nods. "we going ring shopping. I'm gonna propose."
"Thank you."

Why Me? (GxG)✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें