First day of school

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England's POV
I wake up and look at the time on the watch I got yesterday.
I always was used to waking up early so I wasn't surprised. I look around the room. Everyone is still asleep. I don't know how but Scotland has managed to sleep with his Tartan hat still on for the whole night, I didn't know he was that embarrassed about it.

I move quietly along my air bed, get to the edge and stand up. I look back down at my bed. It has sunken down a bit from loss of air but I will blow it up again later. For now I just make my bed, making sure there is no crevices in the duvet.

Once I'm done with that I open the bedroom door. It creaks a little but didn't wake anyone up. I shut the door behind me and walk down the hall. I got into the bathroom to do my business, wash my face with my own flannel and using the new toothbrush and toothpaste I got yesterday, brush my teeth.

I head into the living room and find France on the sofa. She wears a violet night gown with lighter-lavender polka dots on it. She has a cup of tea and a croissant. It pains me to see that as I know that's what Britain used to do for her. Wake up early to get France tea and a croissant and sit and chat, until they needed to wake the boys up for school.

I walk over to France.
"Good morning France." I say and sit down on one of the opposite sofas in the room.
"Good morning England, you're up early?" She asks in a questioning manner.
"I always have been a morning person, really." I respond.
France just lets out a small sigh. I can tell she misses Britain very much.
"I was going to wake you and everyone else up soon since you were going to school today." France said.
Oh yeah, I forgot about school I think to myself then I say. "How about I make breakfast, I'm thinking...pancakes, and you can go wake everyone else up for school?"
"Sounds like a good idea, England," France stands up. "I'll go wake everybody up now." She says and goes into the kitchen to put her tea and croissant away, then walks down the hall.

I grab the pans, milk, flour, eggs, powdered sugar and a few other things and begin to bake the pancakes. I whisk the flour, eggs, milk, sunflower oil and a pinch of salt into a smooth batter. I don't have too much time so I start cooking straight away. I set a medium frying pan over a medium heat and, carefully, start wiping it with oiled kitchen paper. When hot, I cook the pancakes on either side for one minute until golden, keeping them warm in a low oven as I go. I put the pancakes on separate plates and carry them through to the dinning room table. I pour everyone a cup of orange juice, but make myself a cup of tea.  I put lemon slices, caster sugar and some maple syrup just in case anyone wanted a bit more flavour, I know one hockey loving country that will.

"Breakfast is ready!" I shout down the hall.
Everybody comes down the hall in their normal clothes and then I realise that I'm still in my pyjamas.
"Nice ooutfit mate." Scotland says as he walks by.
I quickly run to my room put on a navy blue blouse and grey trousers. I slip on some black socks and run back down the hall, to the table and sit down in my seat. I was fast enough so that no one has started to eat and I sigh with relief.

No ones POV

The countries sat in the same seats they did at dinner. They wait until France finally says.
"Thank you England for making these pancakes they look delicious,"
Canada nods his head up and down jumping in his seat a little. He can't wait to get the pancakes and is eyeing the maple syrup.
"You can all start now." France Says and everyone begins piling up pancakes on their plate, Canada drenching his in maple syrup while England eats his plain.

Every country finishes their pancakes, thanking England and then getting their school stuff ready.
"I know you countries weren't expecting to go to school and didn't get any school supplies yesterday so I did some searching and found some old school supplies of my sons that you can all use." France explains to the new countries, at the front door.
"Thank you France." England says choosing a grey and black school bag
Wales picks a green and white polka dot bag. North picks a plain red school bag.
Scotland picks a blue and white stripe bag.
They all put a pencil, rubber, ruler and sharpener in the bag and some money that France let them have for lunch.

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