Sadness, Anger, Confusion

722 19 38

Tuesday-Back in time from last chapter-
(Want me to put the time in stuff like this as well?)
England's POV

I lay in bed asleep. when I'm woken up to the sound of movement. My eyes open but I stay still. I hear someone leave the room. Once the door is quietly closed I sit up in my bed. I look around the room. Wales and North are still sleeping while Scotland is gone.

What is he up to?

I quickly grab my glasses and put them on. I quietly get up and head for the door, quietly leaving like Scotland did. Maybe he just wants a drink or a snack, but that's not like him from what I've seen. As I walk down the hall I hear the front door quietly being opened and then closed. He's leaving the house? I make my way to the front door and swiftly put my shoes on. I'll be fine without a coat and I've only got plain pyjamas on so if anyone sees me—which I doubt at this time of night—they'll just think I'm in normal clothing. But it is going to be cold... I grab a burgundy hoodie I got, but barely wear, and slip it on. This shall be warm enough.
I exit the house, again, quietly shutting the door behind me. I lock the door. Something I noticed Scotland didn't do, so he's either being quick or assumed that everyone is ready to fight off a burglar, like him—which is not the case.

I get to the sidewalk and look both ways. I'm not crossing the road, just seeing if I can spot which direction Scotland went. I see his figure—or what I assume is his figure—in the distance heading towards the forest. The forest, huh? Always did seem to be a bit obsessed with nature. Believed in some crazy things too. I remember he didn't want Wales to go into a forest near any lakes or rivers alone while she was visiting Scotland because she may encounter a kelpie. He sounded like some crazy guy on drugs to me. Maybe he was, but he got out of his smoking habits a long time ago, his drug habits even longer. A fast recovery too. I asked him what a kelpie was and he got right into some folklore gibberish that confused me. An animal or mythical creature that lives in body's of water and takes on the form of, most commonly, a horse or sometimes a human and lures its victims to the water in which it will then drown them. Scotland's got some problems I'm telling you. There was also one about a wolf or fox thing—can't really remember, don't really care—giving fish or that to the poor. Like, what? I'll tell you though, Scotland would be a great one for campfire stories.

I follow carefully behind Scotland's figure. Keeping a good distance so I'm not that easily spottable. He wears his black hoodie, but had the common sense to not wear a kilt, which I'm thankful for. He would get too cold otherwise. Not that the colds ever really bothered him. It just gets to a point where he doesn't actually realise he's freezing. It's hard for others to tell as well because when you're cold you get a slight blue hue to you and, well, Scotland is blue so it can be hard to tell, and he gets uncomfortable when you have to stare at him for a while to actually make sense of if he's cold or not. Might even slap you for it, learnt that the hard way. When he gets confused on his feelings his instant reaction is 'I need to defend myself' literally from everyone. He's adapted to it, his feelings, especially from the time I first met him. Especially. But he still is scarily psychotic or rage-infused when he doesn't understand them. It's kind of sad but I hope that...... Ireland...can help him... it would be best for him...
I'm just gonna... focus on following Scotland for now...

We make it to the start of the forest, or at least he does, as I'm still a good distance away. He just goes straight in, no worries. Isn't a dark forest at night meant to be one of the scariest places or situations to be in? Although now that I think about it, it is Scotland. I follow after him. Because it's in the forest, I decided to get a bit closer since I've got plenty of trees to hide behind and it is a lot darker here with the moonlight being limited with the trees covering the sky. It will make it easier to follow him too. We get pretty deep into the forest and it's making me anxious. Does Scotland even remember the way out of the woods? I hope he does because I'll most likely get lost. I should of marked the trees or something like that.
We walk a bit further and I'm quite surprised when Scotland randomly breaks into a run. He doesn't show any signs of slowing down. I don't want to loose him because I want to know what he's up to and I need him so I have a chance of not getting lost in these woods, so I run after him.
I try to stay as quiet as I possibly can, which is a whole lot harder with the forest floor. I can easily run silently on stone or wood but this forest floor has loads of sticks and leaves that crunch under my feet, of course that would be expected in a forest. Scotland seems to get faster and I'm beginning to loose him. He makes a sharp, unexpected turn and as I finally catch up to the turn he made and turn myself, I've lost sight of him.
"Shit." I say under my breath.

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