Who did it?

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No ones POV

Wales had recovered from the bullying... physically.
She was given plasters for her knees and an ice pack for her bruised face, although because it was left for so long it was still very much visible. Papua New Guinea got his burns sorted and some bandages on them just for protection. Wales thanked Papua New Guinea for catching her and standing up to Spain at that one point. Papua New Guinea told her it was no problem. He felt slightly guilty and wished he would of done more, he was just a bit too scared to fully stand up to a country as big as Spain.

You could imagine the shock the others got when coming back. North gave Wales a big hug and when Kazakhstan talked to Wales about it she felt fully understood because they both had connections with their animal sides and felt as though they could relate. The rest of the group comforted Wales as much as they could for he rest of the day. Wales smiles at her friends efforts and thanked them all.

The end of school for the Primary countries finally came. Wales walked back with North, New Zealand and Australia staying more quiet then usual when they'd walk back. They were about to leave school grounds when some countries, presumably friends of Spain, through mean comments and remarks at Wales. Australia instantly grabbed one of them by the shirt pulling them towards him and he proceeded to drop what looked like a spider down his shirt as he said.
"Go crying to the teachers if you want but this is out of school grounds meaning it's none of the schools business if I shoved a spider down your shirt or not." He let go and walked off as the country desperately tried to find the spider sending uncomfortable tingles as it crawled under his shirt. The countries friends stared and laughed at the country not helping him at all.
"Shut up before I bring a black mamba and fully shut you up forever!" Australia shouted. He would never actually do that as Black Mambas are extremely venomous and would kill a human in a short amount of minutes after one bite or prick of the tooth. He didn't know if it could kill a country but it would certainly cause a lot of pain.
It immediately silenced the group of countries and two of them began to help their distressed friend still unable to find the spider.
"Thanks Awstralia." Wales said.
"No problem! It isn't even a real spider just a vibrator I made that makes it feel like a spider is crawling on you. I would never put a spider down some countries shirt and cause the poor thing harm, and once they found it they would most certainly kill it." Australia replied with a smile.
Wales smiled in return.

The four got home and put their bags away before talking to France and England. France was worried about Wales and asked if she wanted any pain killers for her bruises but she denied as they weren't bothering her that much. England was also concerned about Wales as she had suffered because of being close to him. The news of Wales being beat up just because of being close to him didn't help with his recovery of the rumours at all. Australia and New Zealand then went to New Zealand's room to feed and play with his Kiwi birds. North was about to leave with them when he noticed Wales wasn't following.
"An Bhreatain Bheag, aren't you coming?" He asked her.
Wales shook her head. "I don't really fancy doing that maybe some drawing?" Wales said not too sure on the response herself.
North nodded his head. "Then we need to get some paper and pencils."
"I'm not letting you sit and draw on your own."
Wales smiled. "Okay then."

-Time skip-

The rest of the countries walked home from high school chatting about their day. They eventually got home themselves. They knocked on the door since this time it was locked. I suppose France forgot to unlock it in time for the others arriving. Wales and North heard this and they went up to the door grabbing the keys as they head towards it. North unlocks the door and Wales opens it. The countries thank Wales and North for opening the door as they walk in. Scotland, however, stops in his tracks as he looks at Wales. He stares at the bruise on her face.
"Yr Alban are you—?" Wales is cut off by Scotland dropping his bag and moving swiftly towards her and crouching down to look at her face.
"Who did it." he says, more of a statement than a question.
"Yr Alban I-"
"Who. Did. It." He says coldly.
Canada and America watch this uncertain of Scotland's reaction and sudden behaviour when England appears between them. He tells them that it's okay and just a thing Scotland does and that he'll sort it out. They hesitantly leave the room.

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