Prickly like a thistle, lucky like a clover

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Wow that's a long title, just like this chapter!

Wale's POV

"Yr Alban yn aros!" I shout, chasing after Scotland.
He runs outside the door and I'm trying my best to keep up with him but my legs are too damm short. Oops, I didn't mean to swear. Shut up Wales this is more serious, your friend, that feels like family, is hurt and confused about his emotions again.
I feel bad that Scotland can't seem to understand his emotions, no matter how hard he tries. So I need to be there for him. To help him feel better and understand that it's alright to show your emotions and feel these things.

I slam the door open and run outside. Scotland is nearly out the car park already. I'm way too slow to keep up with him. On foot that is. I stretch out my wings and being to flap them up and down, letting them feel the air. I jump while pushing down with my wings beginning to fly off the ground. But before I even get one metre above the ground, Something grabs my wing and pulls me down. I land hard on the tarmac and I can feel a pain beginning to form in my tail bone.
"Owwww" I moan.
"I'm sorry Wales but it's not worth it."
I look up to see England looking down at me. I'm fed up with him at this point. He knows that Scotland hates lying unless he's got a good reason to lie, and I don't see any reason for him to lie about hurting another country. There were a few more countries standing behind him watching the show, North, Kiwi, Australia and France being in between them.

"First of all, that hurt. Please, don't do that again. Second of all, Yr Alban is innocent and you yourself know that!" I clenched my fists. I didn't mean to shout but I'm getting annoyed. I hate seeing countries upset. I even feel bad when I see upset humans.
"Wales, I know what you mean and I know that you care for Scotland and that's really good. But you know what he was like when we were with Britain. He was hostile and always trying to start a fight. He's dangerous and sometimes, just can't be trusted." England says. He doesn't even sound like he's trying to be sympathetic.
"You really don't trust him? I thought you both changed for the better? Remember that one day at school-I know I wasn't there specifically but Canada was telling me, since I asked him-after PE and when you got hurt with that volleyball, you two seemed to be getting along really well after that?" I looked at England like a puppy dog begging for food. I just want him to see the good in people for once. The good in Scotland. Scotland just doesn't know how to show his good side, that's all.
England looks at me, an unreadable expression on his face and I know I've hit him hard.
"Look, Wales I..." England pauses trying to find the right words to say. "I know that Scotland is practically family and I know that you and North love him like a brother but sometimes we just have to accept the fact that people aren't always who they say or appear to be,"
I look away from England and down at the ground. Is he right? No...he can't be right? I just don't know anymore too much is happening. I can feel myself trembling and my eyes are becoming wet with tears beginning to form.

I guess England sees my pained expression because he decides to say.
"I'm willing to give Scotland a second chance, Wales. After all, I suppose I love him like a brother as well, but I'm not admitting that. We'll give him time to himself and just not mention it. Okay?"
I look up at England with tears slowly rolling down my face. I force a small smile and nod my head. England stretches out his arm in an offer to help me up off the ground. I grab his hand and he pulls me up with more force than expected and because of my wings positioning, I fly off the ground for a couple seconds and then come back down. Once my feet hit the tarmac, I giggle slightly, much happier now.
"Can we possibly go home now?"
Me and England both turn to see an annoyed Northern Ireland looking back at us.
"I thought you were going to try and find your brother?" Questions England.
"I was but I'm too tired and hungry to even bother at this point." North replied.
Me and England chuckle. North is just so lazy sometimes.

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